jadedsirius in nocturne_alley @ 2002-05-18 22:34:00

Current music:Nine Inch Nails: Closer

Finally managed to extricate myself from the "party" Albus decided to give in my honour. Yes, thank you, I do love to be reminded that I was a prisoner in Azkaban for 12 years, then a hunted fugitive for another two or so, all for a crime I did not commit.

The highlight of the evening, of course, was watching Snape look more and more sour as the evening went on. By the end of the event, it looked as if he had swallowed an entire lemon grove. Not that he looked much different than usual, but... which brings us to his "gift" for me. I could practically hear him giggle to himself when he presented me with a dog collar. Ah, the wit. It is truly pathetic to see a grown man harbour such a grudge, stemming from a childish prank some 20 years ago. Apparently "moving on" is not a concept with which our dear Severus is familiar. I do feel sorry for him. But I feel more sorry for his poor students; they suffer from his inability to treat children with equanimity despite their house. He must lead a very sad life; no wonder he always looks like that.

I am beginning to get worried about Remus, however; he did not show up. It is not yet the full moon. I wouldn't be surprised if Snape has finally decided to poison him with his potion.


