a_slytherin in nocturne_alley @ 2002-05-19 03:46:00

Current mood: indifferent
Current music:i

Hi!!! !! !
Deer communisty,

some one caem down to My room and toled me i hd to PARTICIpate in this communisty, so Here I am!1

my name is blAISE and what is this button that say caps LOCK?!!!!!!!! is this Some joke? ha ha very funnY!!

ok I'm writin in the communisty party wbat now?

a llittllee about me?

I donnot like pumkin juice verry much b.c. i thnik i wood ratrher have grey juice so donot try and start with me, ok??

AND I HATE THE COLOUR ORANGE!!!!! if any of u sickos want to rrip some one open you gbetter not show it two me cos i dont want to see any orange!!


welll, goodnight communist!


lockerygildhart @ 2002-05-19 04:07 am UTC

Hello! What's this?