percyneedsalife in nocturne_alley @ 2002-05-19 21:13:00

Current music:George mopping the floor

A group of students came into the shop today. Suspect they were skipping class. Was very proud, had to wipe away small tears of joy. Took back earlier sentiment when they knocked over a shelf of Remembralls that exploded and turned half the shop green and violet. Made George clean it up. Tee hee.


perfectprefect @ 2002-05-20 02:08 am UTC


While I am pleased that you are doing something with your life (finally), I cannot condone your encouraging students to play hooky. You should have sent them back to the school immediately.


percyneedsalife @ 2002-05-20 01:04 pm UTC

You can't condone it? Oh no! My life is over!
