knight_to_h3 in nocturne_alley @ 2003-01-23 14:59:00

Current mood: irritated
Current music:Next!

Bunch of pink nightmares!
Huh. Whoever volunteered to make me another journal layout, please hurry with it. If I have to look at the one I have now for another day I'll feed myself to any of Hagrid's sodding pets! No offence or anything, Lavender, but it is just VERY BLOODY UGLY!

Not only that! She spent A DAY hanging around with Harry, Hermione and I saying that she needs to research on my AURA and WHATEVERNOT so she can create a design that will be easy on The Eye AND YET! Thanks a lot, Lavender, but I am not a girl!



potterstinks @ 2003-01-22 11:08 pm UTC

On the contrary, Weasel, I think it's just the look for you. Sanitary napkin pink seems to me like it would be precisely the colour of your aura.

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-01-22 11:13 pm UTC

Like YOU would know anything about auras and good taste, Malfoy. Who asked for you bloody opinions anyway?! Go shop for sanitary napkins for your Mother and leave me the hell alone!

potterstinks @ 2003-01-22 11:17 pm UTC

As though I'd want to know anything about auras. Of course, since you're using it as an insult, it would appear that you do care about them. No wonder you asked Thunderthighs Brown to make you a layout. Have you achieved any new psychic powers from it?

Oh, wait. Sorry, you don't have a scar, so I suppose they're not transmitting messages to you yet.

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-01-22 11:19 pm UTC

I didn't ASK Lavender for a layout, she VOLUNTEERED and stop calling her names!

You only WISH you had a scar, idiot.

potterstinks @ 2003-01-22 11:22 pm UTC

Defending her, then? So obviously you have a thing for witches who like Divination. I thought I'd heard about you staring at Trelawney a bit forlornly. Such fine taste you have there, Weasley.

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-01-22 11:24 pm UTC

I'm defending her because she is my FRIEND, as usual you have no clue what that means. Why do I even bother. You are one to talk about tastes, Draco Parkinson!

potterstinks @ 2003-01-22 11:30 pm UTC

Pansy happens to be a Pureblooded witch of class. Her father isn't a Muggle, unlike some of the so-called witches at this school.

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-01-22 11:37 pm UTC

Shut the hell up.

potterstinks @ 2003-01-22 11:43 pm UTC

Oh, what a violent rebuttal. I am slain by the cruelty of it all.

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-01-22 11:50 pm UTC

Do you have nothing else better to do than to sit around commenting on my entries or something?! Stop insulting Hermione with the same thing over and over again, nobody cares!

potterstinks @ 2003-01-22 11:59 pm UTC

Well I'd point out how she's a frigid, ugly witch who people only seem to friend out of sympathy for her absolute wretchedness, but why point out the obvious?

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-01-23 12:09 am UTC

That is not bloody true, her friends like her for who she is, unlike you! Your "friends" are only there because of your money and you know it!

petitemillicent @ 2003-01-23 12:11 am UTC

You are right.

The dead bugs Draco got me for Christmas must have cost a fortune.

M. B.

potterstinks @ 2003-01-23 12:14 am UTC

It's the thought that counts, Millicent. I'm sure the stuffed banana really set you back, didn't it?

petitemillicent @ 2003-01-23 12:16 am UTC

Did I not already thank you for them with a massage?

At least I was appreciative enough not to banish them to an island of Muggles.

M. B.

potterstinks @ 2003-01-23 12:18 am UTC

I assumed you wanted me to get some use out of it. What better than entertainment, particularly when it involves bothering Muggles?

petitemillicent @ 2003-01-23 12:19 am UTC

Fair enough.

You could have at least cuddled it to sleep for one night, though.

M. B.

potterstinks @ 2003-01-23 12:22 am UTC

I do NOT cuddle.

petitemillicent @ 2003-01-23 12:24 am UTC

I beg to differ.

M. B.

potterstinks @ 2003-01-23 12:27 am UTC

F. O.

potterstinks @ 2003-01-23 12:22 am UTC

Especially not with fruit.

petitemillicent @ 2003-01-23 12:25 am UTC

There, there, no need to be homophobic now.

M. B.

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-01-23 12:26 am UTC


knight_to_h3 @ 2003-01-23 12:14 am UTC

What kind of FRIEND gives DEAD BUGS as presents?!

petitemillicent @ 2003-01-23 12:18 am UTC

The banana-loving kind.

M. B.

missgranger @ 2003-01-23 08:09 pm UTC

You disgust me, Malfoy. I am not ugly or frigid (although WHAT business that is of yours is beyond me) and I have real friends who are there for me no matter what might happen. I doubt you could say the same of your harem or your goons. Sod off.

potterstinks @ 2003-01-23 11:51 pm UTC

It's my business when I have to see your ugly face every day, isn't it?

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-01-24 03:22 pm UTC




la_pensee @ 2003-01-24 09:59 am UTC

How dare you. Draco's behaviour here may not have been appropriate, but neither is yours.

just_harry @ 2003-01-22 11:33 pm UTC

I don't think Malfoy takes Divination, so he probably doesn't know anything about auras.


knight_to_h3 @ 2003-01-22 11:37 pm UTC

Oh there you are, thanks for taking my side, HARRY.

just_harry @ 2003-01-22 11:40 pm UTC

Well I mean I'm just saying, I don't think he takes Divination.

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-01-22 11:41 pm UTC

I KNOW he doesn't take Divination, only reason why the class is bearable! So he doesn't have the right to talk about auras!

just_harry @ 2003-01-22 11:52 pm UTC

Yeah, I know how you get really upset when someone tries to insult Divination.

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-01-22 11:56 pm UTC

Anyone is welcome to insult Divinaton till the Yeti comes home but not Malfoy!

percyneedsalife @ 2003-01-23 01:38 am UTC

You're right, Ron. That is hideous.

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-01-23 01:43 am UTC

