knight_to_h3 in nocturne_alley @ 2003-03-27 22:41:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Current music: | Don't worry, Gin, everything is taken care of! |
Meeting with Professor Dumbledore...
Uh. I just got back from Professor Dumbledore's office and he told me to update my journal about it so I can write down the lessons I've learnt from well, everything, but I can't remember a word he said so I'm not really sure what I'm suppose to write here and I really hope he doesn't check on my entries because, ugh.
He did give me a lot of Muggle sweets though. He had this whole row of them in jars on his table and he told me to help myself to them while he talked to me, so I did.. There was this wicked one called Sneakers that stick your teeth together so I spent most of the time trying to get my teeth apart and all I can remember is Dumbledore asking me not to make Malfoy voodoo dolls for Ginny. How the hell did he know about that!
But anyway, I told him that I'll let Malfoy live if he stays away from Harry and Ginny but he just offered me more sweets. Strange man, that one. Speaking of Harry, poor thing has detentions tonight with Malfoy. I hope he's not going to try and talk to that scum again. Honestly! I think the alcohol did some sodding permanent damage to his brain! He's offering that dickwad his Grottle prize! What next! His broomstick?!
I hope Malfoy gets to scrub all the bed pans in the hospital wing for detentions because he stinks more than Charlie's 5 week old socks but right now I can't really be bothered with thinking of best ways to kill a Malfoy because there is a Cho Chang I need to murder.
Yeah, Cho, you!
Check this, I was talking to Ginny for hours before I went to Professor Dumbledore's office and she told me exactly what happened at the Halloween Ball. Turns out that Chang had nothing better to do than Polyjuice herself into Terry Bloody Boot and asked Ginny to dance! Not only that, oh no! She kissed Ginny as Terry Boot!!! Now really! What kind of bloody sicko pretends to be a boy to prey on my sister?!?!
Listen up, Chang, I only have 3 things to say to you, LISTEN CAREFULLY:
blushcrush @ 2003-03-27 07:27 am UTC |
knight_to_h3 @ 2003-03-27 07:30 am UTC |
What?? What are you talking about, Gin?? I told you I was going to take care of it and I'm warning that Cho Chang away from you! Anyone who uses Polyjuice to deceive you cannot bloody be trusted!!!
(parent)blushcrush @ 2003-03-27 07:38 am UTC |
I thought you understood! Can't you see that this is what I want?
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2003-03-27 07:41 am UTC |
You want friends who lie to you and treat you like crap and then tell you what they've done A FEW MONTHS LATER?! Gee, why don't you go hang out with the SLYTHERINS?! SOD ME FOR TRYING TO LOOK OUT FOR YOU I WON'T DO IT ANYMORE I PROMISE
(parent)blushcrush @ 2003-03-27 07:48 am UTC |
At least then I'd have friends at all, instead of having friends that forget I exist! At least then I wouldn't have to tag along with my big brother's friends who don't want me around in the first place! So yes, SOD YOU!! You never understand ANYTHING!
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2003-03-27 07:55 am UTC |
You know what? I DON'T CARE ANYMORE! You can go hang out with whoever you want and if they end up to be bastards don't come crying to be BECAUSE TO HELL WITH CARING! Nobody forgot you exist and if you don't like hanging out with my friends you could've just bloody said so and DON'T TELL ME I DON'T UNDERSTAND BECAUSE I DO BUT NOT THAT IT MATTERS ANYWAY, DOES IT! GO HAVE FUN WITH YOUR NEW FRIEND THEN.
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2003-03-27 08:02 am UTC |
What is there to bloody understand?! You want your new friends no matter how much of a jerk they are and clearly I've no right to watch out for my little sister so go do whatever you want to do and stop wasting your time replying to someone who "doesn't understand at all".
(parent)blushcrush @ 2003-03-27 08:07 am UTC |
Cho is not a jerk. You don't even know her, how can you say such things? I'm ashamed to even be related to you right now. You're acting like MALFOY.
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2003-03-27 08:14 am UTC |
Yeah sure, because lying to you for months is not jerk-like behaviour at all eh, Gin? AND YOU KNOW WHAT? BETTER A MALFOY THAN A CHANG.
(parent)arithmantra @ 2003-03-27 08:16 am UTC |
Mr. Weasley, your presence is needed in my office immediately. You left a leather-bookcover here that wants retrieving. Yes, this second. Don't bother to knock, the door will be open.
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2003-03-27 08:18 am UTC |
Professor, I don't have any leather-boo- oh, never mind, I'll be there in a bit. Thanks.
(parent)seekercho @ 2003-03-27 01:09 pm UTC |
There are no words, Ron.
Wait, maybe there are.
Piss off.
I'm owling your mother. What you've done to Ginny is the sort of thing I'd expect from a Death Eater, not her brother.
And I'll be sure to throw in that crack about Cedric, as well. I'm certain your Mum will want to know exactly how low you've sunk.
I'll be sending it along to Percy, as well. I'm sure he'll have a lot to say on the subject. An awful, awful lot.
How a sweet boy like Harry can stand a little brat like you, I don't know. He must have a high tolerance for arseholes.
- Cho
PS: I've a chopstick with your name on it if you come anywhere near me or Ginny.
knight_to_h3 @ 2003-03-27 03:05 pm UTC |
Yeah sure owl my mum all you like, tell her EXACTLY how you POLYJUICED YOURSELF AS A GUY AND LIED TO GINNY FOR MONTHS LIKE A DESPICABLE PREDATOR YOU ARE. GO ON THEN! IF YOU DON'T DO IT, I'LL OWL HER MYSELF. Funny how you'd call me a Deatheater when YOU are the one who tried to SUCK THE LIFE OUT OF MY LITTLE SISTER!!!
Oh and I'm sorry for the comment about Cedric because YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE SPARE FOR YOU-KNOW-WHO, CHO CHANG.
Now sod the hell out of my face!
just_harry @ 2003-03-27 03:10 pm UTC |
I can't believe you even just said that! Cedric is DEAD, I can't believe you're talking about him at all, just because you want to pick Ginny's friends. What is your problem?
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2003-03-27 03:14 pm UTC |
(parent)seekercho @ 2003-03-27 06:05 pm UTC |
You're a bastard. You're a mad bastard. You're WORSE than bloody VOLDEMORT you are.
Stay the hell away from me, Weasley, or you'll find yourself hexed seven ways from Slytherin.
- Cho
lupercus @ 2003-03-27 06:35 pm UTC |
Detention, Weasley.
For an unspeakable amount of time. With Filch. Cleaning every single toilet in this castle. Twice.
And a letter to your parents asking them to come to school and answer for your behaviour.
And if I have anything to say about it, suspension and sessions at St Mungo's for obvious anger issues.
This is appalling behaviour from a Gryffindor. You make me ashamed to be of that house.
Dumbledore's office. You. Me. Now..
- Lupin
just_harry @ 2003-03-27 02:40 pm UTC |
I just said he could have that Falmouth thing because no one else likes the Falcons. You don't like them either, so who else am I supposed to give it to? It was just going to sit here and no one wanted to take it but Malfoy obviously likes them so I mean, it just made sense to ask him if he wanted it. If you wanted it you should have said something. Why are you being so mean to Ginny? What's wrong with Cho? I thought you liked Cho. I think Cho really likes Ginny, they were at Professor Lupin's and they both looked really happy, and I don't see why you're being such an arse about it.
knight_to_h3 @ 2003-03-27 02:53 pm UTC |
I knew you'd side with the other side, Harry. You know, my attic back in the Burrow has a whole load of ancient Potions text that nobody cares about, maybe I should give them all to Snape eh? Since we are obviously all about giving presents to the ENEMIES! What the bloody hell are you thinking?! I like Cho FAR AWAY FROM GINNY OKAY?! Did you even read my post?! She LIED to Ginny FOR MONTHS and KISSED HER! Just because you had a stupid crush on her doesn't mean she's always right, Harry! Give that bloody Falmouth trash to Malfoy for all I care and you know what? Take the 2 sodding Hogsmeade passes Professor Vector gave us today and ask MALFOY out instead if you don't want to hang out with "such an arse"!
(parent)just_harry @ 2003-03-27 03:06 pm UTC |
Yeah, well sometimes people lie, Ron, because they have to, and if Ginny's not mad about it you really shouldn't be either, because even if she's her sister it's her life.
Thanks. Thanks alot. It's really nice of you to tell everyone that. Maybe you should be friends with Malfoy instead, the two of you probably have alot in common.
knight_to_h3 @ 2003-03-27 03:12 pm UTC |
No they bloody well don't! Nobody has to lie to trick an innocent girl into kissing them, nobody RESPECTABLE AT LEAST! I can't believe you are siding with her and what the sod are you mad about?! What did I tell everyone? Your old crush in Cho that even FILCH knows?? And you know, no matter how much you piss me off I'll never tell you to go be friends with that blond bastard, nice to know what you think of me, Harry. I'm leaving the Hogsmeade passes in the common room, do whatever the bloody hell you want with them!
(parent)just_harry @ 2003-03-27 03:22 pm UTC |
You just TOLD ME TO BE FRIENDS WITH MALFOY. Im' not siding with Cho, I don't even know Cho, but I guess you think it's really funny that everyone knows I liked her. I guess that's why you never bothered to tell me everyone knew, too. It's nice to know what that you take everything out on your friends when you're mad.
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2003-03-27 03:38 pm UTC |
WHEN THE BLEEDING HELL DID I TELL YOU TO BE FRIENDS WITH MALFOY?! YOU ARE THE ONE TRYING TO TALK TO HIM FROM ACROSS THE PLANETS!!! I didn't say it was funny that everyone knew about your crush on Cho, I just thought you knew that everybody knew but obviously you didn't but that's hardly my fault, is it! I'm not bloody taking anything out on my friends because I DON'T HAVE ANY.
(parent)just_harry @ 2003-03-27 03:48 pm UTC |
You told me to take the passes from Professor Vector and take Malfoy to Hogsmeade instead of you, it's the same thing and you know it, too. And why would I know everyone knew? I suppose you didn't catch on after I kept saying it was so great that no one ever knew, and that I was really embarrassed about it, so sure post all about it to the whole school. And anyway, why should you care who I give stuff I don't want to? I'm not Hermione, so I'm surprised you noticed that I was at Grottle.
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2003-03-27 04:04 pm UTC |
SACARSM, HARRY, YOU KNOW? SACARSTIC REMARK HA HA?? Honestly! What's the big deal anyway! It's not like you still have the crush on her, do you?! I don't give a sod who you give your things to but of all the people in the world, why HIM?! Have you gone mad?! And of course I knew you were at Grottle, maybe you haven't noticed but you used to be my best friend.
(parent)just_harry @ 2003-03-27 04:42 pm UTC |
Well mine was sarcasm too, isn't that funny? And yeah, you're right, I used to be your best friend, but I guess then you forgot about that.
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2003-03-27 04:54 pm UTC |
YOU forgot about me before I forgot about you, Harry, but who can blame you huh. Sod it. I'm just another Weasley, go have your detentions with the Malfoy.
(parent)just_harry @ 2003-03-27 05:06 pm UTC |
Whatever, Ron, think what you want. And you know what? You can keep commenting to yourself too.
(parent)seekercho @ 2003-03-27 04:53 pm UTC |
You have no friends Ron because you're bloody unstable and mean to all of them, EVEN YOUR OWN SISTER, and no one wants to be around someone who is such a bloody arse about everything that doesn't go his way.
I never understood what Hermione ever saw in you, but if you still have a girlfriend at all after all of this I'll be bloody well shocked.
- Cho
knight_to_h3 @ 2003-03-27 05:00 pm UTC |
Sod off, Chang! I don't care what you bloody thing of me, go choke on some riceball and stay the hell out of my life, will you?! My sister is waiting for you at the willow tree, don't you dare be late.
(parent)arithmantra @ 2003-03-27 05:17 pm UTC |
Mr. Weasley, that's enough for one hour of the day. Fifteen points from Gryffindor for insulting Miss Chang's ethnic identity. I've taken the liberty of retrieving the Hogsmeade passes from the common room. I'll keep them for the two of you to use another day. And yes, though perhaps it seems unlikely at the moment, there will be another chance for the two of you to enjoy them.
I suppose you must have worn earmuffs when you visited me in my office earlier, but my sight must be getting worse in my old age because I thought you were listening. Still, I should have known better than to address you at the end of your arithmantric cycle. No wonder you think you're ringing the death knell on your friendships. But just remember, Mr. Weasley: tomorrow is another cycle.
arithmantra @ 2003-03-27 05:31 pm UTC |
You should consider it, Mr. Weasley. It would make your chances at understanding Divination that much easier. And if you're asking why I referred to your arithmantic chart, well, it's because your birthday is on my school roster, and it's certainly not hard to figure it out given that. Moreover, from the heated emotional reactions you have been showing to everyone around you it can only be the end of your natural nine-day arithmantic cycle, because you obviously feel threatened, as if you are losing everything around you. In fact, I took the liberty of checking to see whether today was not in fact a doubly intense arithmantric value for you, and of course I was correct.
My office door is always open, should you wish to discuss arithmancy, divination, or anything else with me. Good evening, Mr. Weasley.
petitemillicent @ 2003-03-27 05:48 pm UTC |
It is called PMS.
Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself.
PMS, Professor.
M. B.
just_harry @ 2003-03-27 03:24 pm UTC |
And yeah people do lie, like remember when we lied about Sirius? Remember Snuffles? Remember lying to Ginny about it?