onourbrooms @ 2004-06-27 17:53:00

This is Madam Pomfrey. It's supposed to be a free few minutes for me to drink a bit of tea, because young Seamus is so capable and I haven't slept since this whole debacle began, but Xiomara is very upset and it seems this is the only way to get her to calm down and stop pawing at her bandages and take her potions properly!

Last night after she woke up and nearly gave herself ANOTHER injury, and everything was explained to her (of course, in uncomplicated terms, as her head is still very woozy) she insisted I allow her to write in this thing, but as she must stay calm and rest seeing as she's NOT GOING ANYWHERE ANY TIME SOON, I told her I'd repeat everything into this handy little black thing on a string (excuse me Xiomara, wire) since her voice is still quite unintelligible.

Where was I? Last night, oh, she had fallen asleep again by that time, poor thing, but good healthy natural sleep's really the best thing for her right now, yes dear I know about your legs and we're doing everything we can!, so here we are today.

She says: "I know I haven't always been the most responsible teacher." (Really dear, do you want to start on such pessimistic terms? You're a fine-- okay.) "I was in tissue-- oh inexcusably careless and stupid and there is no way I could ever really apologize properly for being so reckless.

"I could never have imagined such a thing would happen and I allowed myself to be caught off-guard while thinking about silly things like zebras in my tea," (Oh my. Are you feeling light-headed? Do you want to stop? Well there's no need to be rude.) "And not paying real attention to things like my brother's stupid warnings or Lucius Malfoy or anything really. I feel like it is my fault about everyone for not being helpful or brave at all like Severus and Remus," (God rest his poor soul, the good man.) "And I just can't stand the fact that I was useless in spite of everything. So I wanted to apologize even though my words can't take anything back, God knows they didn't help me and now they're all I have. So consider this aooouuum oh bother it all bloody potion."

Right that's enough for today, Xiomara must rest now, she's been slurring her words this entire time and no wonder. Stop fiddling about with your head, I'll give you a bit more painkiller potion. How does this post? Oh update.

