perfectprefect @ 2003-06-01 09:37:00 |
Current mood: | unimpressed |
Difficulty in social relations.
Recently I had the privilege of taking in a jovial game of Literati with my brother Ronald. It was during a kerfuffle he seemed to be in the midst of with his friends Harry and Seamus. I quite thought that he would enjoy a distraction, and as he proved to be far too superior at Literati for me, my assessment was correct.
It was during this word game that I learnt that Ronald not only believed Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy were to kill him later, but that Ronald himself believed he deserved to meet his demise.
I do prefer to keep myself out of the squabbles of youth, but I find it highly ridiculous that all of this should have come about due to Ronald's pure intentions. I am quite appalled. Not only did Ronald believe he would find himself deceased, but he expressed a wish to withdraw from Hogwarts. This is certainly not the path I would choose for my brother, but I informed him that he was of course welcome to stay in my flat until he made a decision.
Ronald has come to my flat at a most exciting time. I recently learnt Mermish, so since Ronald was learning nothing due to the absence of lessons in his life, I decided to indulge him in the language. He inquired of a position as my assistant at the Ministry, and I would have been quite happy to have him, but oddly he had a change of heart when I mentioned the tarantula I was planning to purchase for my office. Naturally I told Ronald not to feel disheartened by his lack of formal education; there are plenty of janitorial jobs available at the Ministry of Magic.
Sadly, Ronald decided to return to Hogwarts yesterday. I suspect he was still quite unwilling to see Harry, but it seems he had no interest in disrupting my studies on the Hungarian language. I accompanied him to Hogwarts and he scampered off to the Quidditch pitch. I myself had an enchanting conversation with Sir Nicholas, who informed me that the whole affair reminded him of a lady's love he had lost in his youth.
I have gathered my thoughts on the matter, as I feel Ronald has suffered unjustly.
Harry, I am most unimpressed. I realise you have likely come to expect exceptions to be made for you, but this sort of accusatory behaviour is simply not on. There is absolutely no need to fault Ronald for his accidental declaration. It is certainly not Ronald's fault that Malfoy is so incredibly sensitive. If you did not wish for Malfoy to be called your friend, perhaps you should have enlightened Ronald to this. While his judgement may have been misplaced, it was only through the eyes of a friend that he acted. Was it not Ronald who attempted to learn about colour schemes in order to fit in with your new friends? Was it not Ronald who tried his own patience by attempting to begin conversation with Malfoy on several occasions? This was done only out of his love for you and a desire to become cordial with your friend. The cause of this was merely Ronald's instinct to protect you and to ask Seamus Finnigan to not spend so much time with your friend. He did this only to make certain that you would not lose your friend. It is most unimpressive to see that while you have placed the blame for this on Ronald, you remain as friendly as ever with Malfoy; I need not remind you that it was Malfoy who threw a temper tantrum.
As for you, Malfoy, I am certainly not surprised that you would treat my brother with such disdain, so there is scarcely anything to say to you. However, if in the future you wish for Ronald to refrain from saying things that you do not agree with, perhaps it would serve you well to treat him with something less than sheer hatred. He has tried to make peace with you, and while his efforts may have been odd, the fact of the matter is that he attempted to become acquaintances with you if nothing else. Since I have yet to notice your acquaintances piling beyond a manageable amount, I find it hard to believe that such a friendship would be detrimental to your well-being. Perhaps if you did not live a life so blind you would see that my brother Ronald could have been your friend, an honour of which you are most definitely not worthy.
scotchtartan @ 2003-06-01 07:19 am UTC |
A touching and honest post, Mr Weasley, but one question remains. As a former Hogwarts Head Boy, why did you allow your brother Ronald to simply leave the castle? Being as you are a former member of my own House, I find it difficult to believe that you were unaware that this was simply unacceptable. Students may not, at any time, choose to vacate the premises for any reason. Why, Mr Weasley, did you not at least take the care to inform Professor Dumbledore or myself where Ron was?
Professor M McGonagall
perfectprefect @ 2003-06-01 07:06 pm UTC |
Ah, hello, Professor McGonagall. I had merely hoped that Ronald would come to the decision on his own. As I said, at his initial request I did inform him that we would be able to enjoy learning together and that he could find custodial work at the Ministry, but he did not seem disheartened. I felt the choice to remain at or return to Hogwarts could only be one made in Ronald's free will.
Percy Weasley
![]() seamus_f @ 2003-06-01 11:56 am UTC |
The cause of this was merely Ronald's instinct to protect you and to ask Seamus Finnigan to not spend so much time with your friend. He did this only to make certain that you would not lose your friend.
I don't know what load of **** Ron has been feeding you, but this is such an extreme misrepresentation of events that I feel compelled to respond.
The amount of time that I spent in the presence of Mr. Malfoy prior to the incident in question is a total of three hours one afternoon. And all of these three hours were spent in the library, working on a project. All of this because I struck up a conversation with Mr. Malfoy in light of his being friendly with Harry. You commend Ron for similar behavior in your own post.
But was Ron's reaction, "Seamus, how friendly of you to try to be nice to Malfoy for Harry's sake?" No, he decided that he would purposely take up all of Dean Thomas' time. The result? I went nearly an entire weekend without being alone with my own boyfriend. I call that a reaction somewhat out of proportion, don't you? If Ron had not been stalking my boyfriend in order to make me angry none of this would have happened.
Perhaps if Ron really wanted to be friendly he would have, as I did, spoken to Malfoy about a common interest, such as Quidditch? But that is merely a suggestion.
In any case, I must restate that no one involved, with the exception of Ron, felt that the miniscule amount of time I spent with Malfoy in any way interfered with his friendship with Harry, and I must ask you to retract this accusation.
perfectprefect @ 2003-06-01 07:04 pm UTC |
I have stated only what Ronald told me. Ronald informed me that his instinct was to protect Harry and ask you not to spend so much time with Malfoy, and it is true that this is what he was doing. Whether or not you and Malfoy have spent too much time together is nothing I intend to pass judgement on, as I am acquainted with neither Malfoy or yourself. I am merely reiterating Ronald's motivations as it seems none were interested in finding them out. Ronald spoke to me for a great deal of time last Monday and while I would not normally state information told in confidence, I feel that someone needs to speak on Ronald's behalf here.
Perhaps his attempts were misguided; perhaps they were not. However, I do know that Ronald seemed quite insecure as he felt he was a lesser friend due to his lack of knowledge about fashion. You may take that as you will.
Percy Weasley
seamus_f @ 2003-06-01 08:07 pm UTC |
Ronald informed me that his instinct was to protect Harry and ask you not to spend so much time with Malfoy, and it is true that this is what he was doing.
At no time did Ron ask me to not spend so much time with Malfoy. (More importantly, at no time did Harry ask me to not spend so much time with Malfoy.) Instead, he made sure that I could not spend time with Dean, which, if I were interested in Malfoy, would likely have made me more likely to spend time with him, not less. Wouldn't you agree?
I am merely reiterating Ronald's motivations as it seems none were interested in finding them out.
In the post in question, I said: "To Ron Weasley: I have no idea what you are hoping to accomplish, but why can you not let Dean and I have a moment alone? What is your problem all of a sudden? I am not amused." I was interested in finding them out. He told me. That was the problem, actually, that he told me in a public place, instead of simply taking me aside and telling me his concerns.
I do know that Ronald seemed quite insecure as he felt he was a lesser friend due to his lack of knowledge about fashion.
Perhaps if he had come to me and TOLD me any of this, instead of purposely provoking me by usurping my boyfriend, this would have had a happier ending for Ron. The world may never know.
Seamus Finnigan
seamus_f @ 2003-06-01 07:58 pm UTC |
Hey, mate, YOU'RE the one that yanked him into this! If you have a problem with me, I suggest you take it up with ME. That means, not stalking my boyfriend, or getting jealous of my fashion sense, but TALKING TO ME. But no, that would have been too straight forward.
WHY do I bother?
knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-01 08:02 pm UTC Re: |
(parent)seamus_f @ 2003-06-01 08:08 pm UTC |
I meant before this happened, Ron, not now.
Good heavens, can you not talk at all without being in all caps?
![]() knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-01 07:12 pm UTC |
PERCE!!! TWWARFFFWER NNNON!! Haaaauii nonn sekkbubbb (is that how that's spelt???) tgvvierddd wiw plieeefieshhee? TARARRIUT, MONMNEIT!
perfectprefect @ 2003-06-01 07:26 pm UTC |
Ronald, I will not TARARRIUT MONMNEIT! Haaaauii needs to see that breakdowns in communication are not helping his situation.
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-01 07:30 pm UTC Re: |
Malfoy's going to start coming after you, Perce!!! Is that what you bloody what?!?! Harry does talk to me, we talked a bit at the Quidditch match (CHO WON!!!)!
(parent)perfectprefect @ 2003-06-01 07:35 pm UTC |
I do not fear Draco Malfoy. His insults are rarely thought out. They are merely standard one-liners shouted at those who point out the truths in his ugly behaviour. He is a child and I am an adult. I did not care about him during my time at Hogwarts, and I certainly do not tremble at the thought of his empty threats now. In fact, I find his behaviour rather boring. He displays all the classic symptoms of a child who strives for attention and giving it to him merely feeds his abominable personality.
I am pleased to hear that you have spoken to Harry. However, I am still not going to delete this.
knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-01 07:39 pm UTC Re: |
Oh fine, but don't say I didn't warn you if he starts stalking you!!
Say hullo to Penelope!! Tell her to owl some of her apple crumbles!
perfectprefect @ 2003-06-01 07:41 pm UTC |
Ronald, I do not attend Hogwarts. I am certain Malfoy does not wish to withdraw from school merely to follow me around the Ministry of Magic.
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-01 07:45 pm UTC Re: |
Why not! He's got nothing much to do anyway!
Gin's here, she says "<3"!
knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-01 07:51 pm UTC Re: |
A heart, she says!
Keep up with the times, Percy! ;) <3
Uh, that was Ginny typing, ha! Oh well I'm going to see Professor McGonagall now to get expelled, so if you see me back at your flat tonight, you know bloody why huh
potterstinks @ 2003-06-01 09:26 pm UTC |
Since you were clearly expecting a comment from me, here's what you were waiting for.
Firstly, if I were to be friends with every person who decided they wanted to be mine, I'd become a social leper. I don't particularly care what your brother does. I don't care about your brotherly loyalty, either. I'm sure you feel quite impressed with yourself for finally getting noticed in your family, but the fact of the matter is that I hardly deem your brother worthy of anymore notice than you get from your siblings.
Secondly, actually, your brother is right, world-shatteringly enough. I even went and got an assortment of weapons. Unfortunately, Millicent Bulstrode decided it was not best to get myself sent to Azkaban over a Weasley. Of course, he still entirely deserves it for sticking his nose into affairs that aren't his business. You have been grossly misinformed, so perhaps you should have taken a lesson from all of this and left your own nose out of it.
Thirdly, I don't care about the Weasel's sodding attempts to discuss fashion with me. As though I care only about fashion. Perhaps he should've taken the time to notice that the only time I discuss clothes is when someone else takes it up with me. I happen to be far too busy to bother entertaining the whims of every Weasley who comes along. I don't want your brother's acquaintance, and if you haven't seen that by now I can't see how you were ever Head Boy. Keep your disgusting family out of my life.
Lastly, I am most unimpressed. My Father certainly won't appreciate having rumours about me spread around by a worker from the Ministry. You're not even in a position of authority there. I doubt Cornelius Fudge even knows your name. Why you've taken the time to learn mine and meddle in the affairs of Hogwarts students is beyond me. Give up trying to relive your glory days. No one cares that you were Head Boy and no one cares that you've decided to follow the Weasley Family Guidelines by sticking your nose into the business of wizards that are better than you.
As for whether or not I intend to threaten you, please. I don't waste threats on non-entities.
Draco Malfoy
![]() knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-01 09:36 pm UTC |
potterstinks @ 2003-06-01 09:40 pm UTC |
What sparkling language, Weasley. Actually, I think I'll save you the trouble and keep myself and the air I breathe here on the Continent. As I've inherited My Grandmother's estate, this is likely the best opportunity I've got to get out of Hogwarts. Congratulations, Weasley, you can have the school to yourself.
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-01 09:46 pm UTC Re: |
Oh now you're running away?? You know, I don't give a sod if you drop out of earth and get eaten by aliens but some people do so maybe you should stop being a fucking coward all the bloody time!@!
(parent)potterstinks @ 2003-06-01 09:50 pm UTC |
How old are you? Seven? I'm not running away, you moron.
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-01 09:56 pm UTC Re: |
Well then why the sod are you staying in wherever the sod you are right now?!
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-01 10:14 pm UTC Re: |
(parent)potterstinks @ 2003-06-01 10:12 pm UTC |
Oh, really? And what have I to run away from? The house-elves? You saying you hate the air I breathe? Please, Weasel, I assure you that once again it has nothing to do with you.
Being a coward has nothing to do with it, actually. It's more or less being greatly annoyed.
knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-01 10:15 pm UTC Re: |
(parent) petitemillicent @ 2003-06-01 09:55 pm UTC Re: |
Mission failed, Draco Malfoy, mission failed.
potterstinks @ 2003-06-01 10:04 pm UTC |
I don't commit crime over soufflés.
petitemillicent @ 2003-06-01 10:08 pm UTC Re: |
I have better things to do than sit around deciphering your name, you realise.
M. B.