pinkstarsgirlie @ 2002-05-18 05:16:00

Current mood: happy
Current music:The Herbsons - Mmmmandrake!

*~My first entry~*

Hi everybody!!! ^_^

I am soooooo glad Professor Dumbledore came up with this idea for an online journal! I <3 keeping diaries and the community is the awesomest way for everyone to get to know each other! :D It is still rather quiet now, I can't wait for Parvati to get her journal, too!!! I had soOoOoOoOoo much fun decorating mine! The Internet is such a wonderful place!! I found the BESTEST site for backgrounds, look at this!!

Oh the pretty stars!! =^_^= I hope Professor Trelawney gets her journal soon, too! Divination is my favourite subject, and I'm pretty good at it, when I grow up I want to be JUST like Professor Trelawney, to know all and see all! She is just so wise!! >^.^<

Well, that is all for now, I will be updating again soon and maybe if you are lucky I will post some of my secret beauty spells for everyone! Hee! ^_^; See you all later! *waves*

Love, hugs and kisses,


potterstinks @ 2002-05-16 11:34 pm UTC


pinkstarsgirlie @ 2002-05-16 11:42 pm UTC

What in the world are you whining about now, Malfoy?


There, there.

potterstinks @ 2002-05-17 12:05 am UTC


pinkstarsgirlie @ 2002-05-17 12:16 am UTC

Temper, temper! ^_~

