pinkstarsgirlie @ 2004-02-10 01:45:00 |
Current mood: | curious |
Current music: | Hextina Hagulera ~*~ The Witch Within |
Luv Your Neighbour
oday started .~*^*~. Love .~*^*~. Your .~*^*~. Neighbour .~*^*~. Week and it sounds so neat!!! ^_^ It's about learning about people from other houses and spreading love!

We were supposed to look for our prized possessions but I didn't know what mine was T_T and if we didn't get them by dinner they would go up in smoke .oOo. but it's okies!! When I got to Professor Dumbledore's after dinner he had our stuff there. The smoke was just when it went to his office. ^______^ I've never been to his office before! It was really pretty, Professor Dumbledore knows what sorts of decorations to use!
I had to carry around a stinky beater bat all day >_< it was really creepy! It had a picture of MILLICENT BULSTRODE taped to it (".) Anyway when I finally got to Professor Dumbledore's after dinner he had my mummy and daddy's wedding pictures T__T I would have been so sad if it went up in smoke and I'm so glad Professor Dumbledore is nice and wouldn't do that to us. ^_^

MY PARTNER IS VINCENT CRABBE! >.< He was so nasty to me too he wouldn't give me back Mummy and Daddy ;_; then I found out it's cos we have to keep each other's Prized Possessions for the whole week! :OOOOOOO It's supposed to make us learn to trust each other :-s But i'm kind of worried because Vincent Crabbe doesn't seem to care about my picture very much. :(((((((

I'll try though! Professor Snape is in charge. ^_^
Our common rooms are going to be unlocked all week, so I bet with all this going on people are going to be fooling around :)) :-$ It's really weird!! Professor Dumbledore said it was to show we could trust each other! I don't know if I'll ever trust Queenie Greengrass O_______O

We get to do good deeds all week so I'm happy about that ^_____^
And thennnnnnnn

I love Valentine's Day! <3 Don't you?? We get to go to Hogsmeade with everybody and have a big feast ^_^ And then I'll get back my picture of Mummy and Daddy T_T I just hope he takes good care of it!!!