pinkstarsgirlie @ 2002-05-19 02:48:00

Current mood: happy
Current music:Tarot That - Relight my candle

Hello!!~* I'm back! ^_^ It is still rather quiet in here other than Ron and Malfoy having childish little fights in their journals and Malfoy leaving BIGBIGBIG threatening comments in mine. :c Why can't we all get along???? Oh, those boys. >:/ Anyways, there isn't much for me to update today so I will just leave you all with the lyrics to one of my favourite songs by .:.Tarot That.:. and it is called !~Relight my candles~!

Floo me away from this premonition of darkness
I need you so much but I don't think you really see me
But if we all stand under the moonshine of clarity
And quill a story of what we're dreaming of
I've got to say I only dream of you
But like a put-outer in the night you took away the fire from my wick

Relight my candles, inflamare is my only desire
Relight my candles cos I'm tripping all over

Flip the time-turner back 'til the days when my flame was white as tofu
Do you remember, no matter what was brewing, I could see my shampoo
But if we all stand up for the right to light
And maybe gaze into the crystal ball tonight
The world would be brighter than sun ray
So wizard boy give me a lighter, and here's an ashtray

Relight my candles, inflamare is my only desire
Relight my candles cos I'm fumbling all over
Relight my candles, incendio is my only desire
Relight my candles cos I'm falling all over, yeah

You gotta be sure to lumous to walk on through the night
There's another match stick on the other side
Cos I got oil in my lamp, I keep on burning baby

Relight my candles, inflamare is my only desire
Relight my candles cos I'm blind all over
Relight my candles, incendio is my only desire
Relight my candles cos I'm no owl , yeah

Awww I hope everyone liked that!!! =^_^=



petitemillicent @ 2002-05-19 04:53 am UTC

Good song.

Rainbow coloured font was uncalled for.

pinkstarsgirlie @ 2002-05-19 05:00 am UTC

I know!! It really is, isn't it?? ^_^

petitemillicent @ 2002-05-19 05:04 am UTC


pinkstarsgirlie @ 2002-05-19 01:31 pm UTC

