potions_master @ 2003-07-15 08:15:00

Current mood:damp
Current music:the sounds of a train

I too have spent a life the sages' way.
It is still raining.

It takes six days to cross this forsaken country, a fact I regret not having been informed of prior to my arrival. Irritating, to say the least. I am currently located in a small but dynamic town called Vladivostok, known for having bears, and large Muggle-made sea vessels anchored off what would otherwise be a very asthetically-pleasing shore. I am sure someone would appreciate the view, however that someone is not me. I am merely here to complete my duties and hopefully move on.

Imagine my dismay when, during a diversion to the small, quaint and utterly useless village of Murmansk, a small, one-armed Asian woman approached and addressed me by my name - none other than Miss Chang, of Ravenclaw. While I can imagine that upon leaving that school the more discerning student would wish to get as far away from it as humanly possible, I did not expect such sense from someone not a Slytherin. Though, truth be told, I expect it was less wisdom and more a misfire of Apparation that brought her to the reindeer-infested outskirts of Russia.

Nevertheless, I am in need of someone to look after Lilitou as my business becomes more and more demanding, and thus I will tolerate Chang's presence as my familiar seems to respond to her rather readily. The company is not up to my usual standards, of course, and the conversation hardly scintillating, yet I will make do. It is more interesting than speaking to the natives, at any rate.

I shall end this entry now, as I would like to leave this place and go somewhere else. Preferably somewhere less moist.

The goal in sight again.

