potions_master @ 2003-08-09 01:20:00 |
Current mood: | indeed |
With their nightingales and psalms.
I had believed that there was no more accursed place upon this planet than Yemen.
Then, I arrived in Singapore.
I did not walk to my lodgings. I swam, through air so thick with humidity that you can taste it. You do not want to taste it. There is some law here that dictates the population must be at least two feet shorter than I. I was accosted and fined for littering when the hem of my shirt became loosened and a thread drifted down to the sidewalk. I am unimpressed with Singapore.
My lunch this afternoon consisted of a large fish's head bathed in some blood-like substance. I do not appreciate my meal having a face, and so I was forced to look elsewhere for sustenance. Eventually I located more traditional fare though to order it was a nightmare as I do not speak the language of the elders of this nation. In the end, I resorted to crude sign language in order to procure something brown and spongey impaled upon a stick.
There is some sort of exhibition occuring in the gardens involving a very large, white creature resembling a sort of cat. It involves an inordinate amount of pink. I am taking great pains to avoid it.
Singapore, I believe I will be leaving as soon as humanly possible, and this is one country that I do not care if The Dark Lord does overtake. He can bloody well have it.
End of entry.
lupercus @ 2003-08-09 02:34 am UTC |
From the raging moon I write on these spindrift pages.
Never figured you for Thomas, Severus.
potions_master @ 2003-08-09 02:39 am UTC |
If you require the analogy, then I suppose that would be appropriate enough.
lupercus @ 2003-08-09 02:43 am UTC |
Yes, highly apropos considering your knack for making people cry.
Not to mention, you turn brown in the sun.
You don't smell, though.
potions_master @ 2003-08-09 02:46 am UTC |
Do you have a point, Lupin? I am extremely busy at the moment here in Singapore looking for ways not to be in Singapore.
Go frolic with Potter, or whatever it is you do.
lupercus @ 2003-08-09 02:50 am UTC |
My apologies. Harry fell asleep midway through our chess game, and so I was checking up on things here. I didn't know you were so busy.
potions_master @ 2003-08-09 02:53 am UTC |
I am always so busy, Lupin. Some of us do not get holidays.
Why are you not asleep as well?
potions_master @ 2003-08-09 03:00 am UTC |
You should sleep. No more pangs that wring or shifting fears that hover.
You do yourself no good this way, Lupin.
lupercus @ 2003-08-09 03:12 am UTC |
Not doomed to these short nights for aye, but shining steadily.
I tend not to sleep well when the moon waxes, Severus. You know that.
It is daylight where you are?
potions_master @ 2003-08-09 03:18 am UTC |
I am no fool, Lupin. Moons hang much too far away.
You are in Diagon Alley. See the Apothecary about a Dreamless Sleep potion, or I will owl them for you. With complete disregard, of course, for my other engagements.
You really are trying at times. You are aware of this.
lupercus @ 2003-08-09 03:27 am UTC |
And ever changing, like a joyless eye that finds no object worth its constancy?
You win, Severus. I'll try and sleep. I make no promises.
potions_master @ 2003-08-09 03:29 am UTC |
Till up in the morning the sun shall arise.