potions_master @ 2003-08-16 02:51:00 |
Current mood: | cynical |
The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long.
Tokyo has fireworks in its architecture.
Earlier, I found myself in an area where elaborate and multicoloured signs gleamed from every building, and I was struck by the notion that despite the elegant and graceful script upon these signs, no doubt they were advertisments for some illicit adult establishment. A particularly bright blue sign caught my eye, and I admired it for some time until my guide pointed out that translated, it did in fact read Live Nude Girls. Needless to say, I am no longer interested in anything further that Tokyo has to say.
I am discomfited by the fact that everyone in this city seems to be much shorter than I, making it very hard to "blend in," as I prefer to do when on assignment in foreign lands. The bowing, as well, is a bit suspect as I think it is a bit excessive after a while. There are only so many times one can bow when introduced, if you please. Particularly when one is so much taller that bowing is a rather involved process and, depending on the aim of the taller person, can result in injury for the second party.
Getting back to the city itself, my accomodations include a rather enjoyable garden, in which I have spent some time catching up on correspondence and sampling the local tea. It is not much by British standards, but it will do. The sake more than makes up for it.
I refuse, however, to consume the native cuisine. I have no interest in raw anything, particularly things still in posession of their own eyes. If my meal is capable of looking at me then I would rather go hungry. I do not comprehend the consumption of bait.
Nor do I understand the literature I have acquired, out of pure and morbid curiousity. The books are misdirected, apparently are read from the back to the front, and mainly feature waif-like children with overly-large eyes cavorting about defending the whole of the universe from gigantic mechanical beings. There seems to be an obsession with many-tentacled creatures, doing unspeakable things with said tentacles to the aforementioned optically-gifted urchins. Upon having a short passage translated for me I have elected to just avoid reading anything here ever again, as all of it seems intent on turning my stomach.
In the end, I must admit that Tokyo is far better than I expected it to be. I am quite pleased with my surroundings, though the city centre leaves much to be desired. I expect that if I keep to the gardens and the nearby onsen, refrain from introducing myself to anyone, and subsist solely upon rice, I will be quite content for the remainder of my stay.
By all let this be heard.
I am done, here.
potions_master @ 2003-08-16 01:26 pm UTC |
Very funny, Lupin.
Don't ever address me as "Sev" again.
lupercus @ 2003-08-16 01:40 pm UTC |
Forgive me if I
Am not very gifted at
This sort of talent.
It has been a while
Since I have had to be a
Clever sort of man.
I am jealous of
Those who can express what they
Think through art of verse.
There is nothing too
Poetic about magic
Beasts and their care, yes?
You know something though
I don't think that I can bring
Myself to stop this.
Oh no, I cannot
Stop writing you in haiku
How very tragical.
lupercus @ 2003-08-16 01:44 pm UTC |
Main Entry: trag·ic
Pronunciation: 'tra-jik
Variant(s): also trag·i·cal /-ji-k&l/
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin tragicus, from Greek tragikos, irregular from tragOidia
Date: 15th century
1: of, marked by, or expressive of tragedy.
potions_master @ 2003-08-16 01:50 pm UTC |
Yes, however it has not been the 15th Century for some time now. Please attempt to get your mind into the current era, if you insist on making a hobby of words.
Have you nothing better to do than pester me with pathetic verse?
lupercus @ 2003-08-16 01:53 pm UTC |
Says the man with the Victorian wardrobe.
And no, I haven't. There are only so many owls you can send to someone before you realise they're not going to send any back.
potions_master @ 2003-08-16 01:54 pm UTC |
No longer in Potter's good graces, are we? You cannot say this surprises you, Lupin.
You have moved on, I gather. Where have you landed yourself now? And why have you relocated, it's your blasted estate is it not?
lupercus @ 2003-08-16 02:00 pm UTC |
No, it doesn't surprise me I suppose. Though I think I am allowed to be disappointed. Neither of us expected him to understand, but perhaps I have overestimated his maturity some. I don't know, I suspect this is probably normal behaviour for a boy whose parents have gone their separate ways, but that does not mean it hurts any less.
I've no need for a big house when it's just me, Severus - it's important that Harry be comfortable and there's no point in uprooting him so close to start of term, so. It's just simpler, this way. I'm in Chelsea now, and it's very nice here. I've always sort of wanted to have a flat in London anyway.
potions_master @ 2003-08-16 02:07 pm UTC |
Again, I request simple information and you proceed to give me a bloody tome on the subject. Focus, Lupin - there is great value in brevity.
If Potter is anything like his father then you can expect nothing resembling maturity from him. The boy has forever taken for granted the actions of those around him. How often has he completely disregarded rules and risked his infernal neck despite the efforts we make to keep him alive? It is a monumental waste of our time. Particularly mine. However I learnt that years ago. Unfortunately for you this lesson has come much later.
I was under the impression that you lived in London before. Am I mistaken?
lupercus @ 2003-08-16 02:15 pm UTC |
There's just something about you, Severus, that always inspires me to be rather chatty. One part of me just wants to tell you everything. However, I expect I would be cursed within an inch of my life if I tried, so I'll do my best not to be so talkative.
Harry will never be a waste of my time. I may not have a tangible claim to him any longer, but I don't have to live with Sirius to be able to love the boy as if he were my own. They were my friends, too. And so is he. Harry will always find me as a friend and ally, if nothing else, though deep down he'll always be my boy.
I did live in London before, but it was a different sort of London and I'd really rather not go into that, now. There's some of that brevity you wished for.
potions_master @ 2003-08-16 02:29 pm UTC |
Perhaps it is my jovial nature that causes such loquaciousness in you.
Your emotional investment in Potter is touching, Lupin, not to mention a point of nausea. Perhaps it is time for you to cease following these people around like a beaten hound. You are no longer Black's lapdog, however you are in danger of becoming Potter's. It is pathetic and unseemly, and I cannot imagine that it holds any enjoyment for you.
Get out of the house and get yourself a blasted life, Lupin. Potter can and will grow up without you holding his hand through it, and Black I am certain can keep himself well occupied. You are not required to parent everyone that you know, you are never going to achieve sainthood, and martyrdom does not become you.
Live, Lupin. For yourself and no one else, if only so that you will no longer need to amuse yourself by beleaguering me with your mediocre poetry again.
lupercus @ 2003-08-16 02:36 pm UTC |
You never were one for mincing words, Severus.
I don't know that I have it in me to do the things you say I ought to do. They are my life.
potions_master @ 2003-08-16 02:41 pm UTC |
No. They are a part of it. The rest belongs to you, and you alone.