potions_master @ 2003-12-16 00:46:00

Current mood:indifferent
Current music:Bach: Tocatta & Fugue in D Minor

a fond farewell.
Soon, blessedly soon, these halls will be silent. At least, they will be more silent than usual, which appears all to be one can hope for in this hellish place. Hogwarts really is like a circus, don't you think? We have both a dog and a werewolf on our staff, both of whom appear to be eminently capable of performing tricks, an otherwise lacklustre boy whose talent appears to be chiefly concerned with unbelievable luck, and, of course, The Amazing Shrinking Brown. How I shall miss it all when the silence of the holiday season eventually, finally falls.

And speaking of that, if I might have your attention, Miss Granger?

It occurs to me that a brilliant student such as yourself should by no means be permitted to fritter your brains away during the holidays. No, no, you will need something to keep that agile mind fully occupied. As your instructor, it is my duty to provide that whetstone. Do not thank me. I am merely doing my job.

Therefore, during the Christmas holidays, you will be preparing the Wolfsbane Potion. It is a project I personally find quite tiresome, especially lately, but doubtless you will find some new challenge in it. I will owl you the full instructions when you have returned home. Please pay careful attention to all of them, especially the parts about adding the fluxweed on the fourth night of the month (I recommend noseplugs), and stirring the potion widdershins every fifteen minutes for four days straight during the next-to-last week of preparation. Upon your return to school I will also expect two rolls of parchment documenting your procedures and, of course, what you have learned from this valuable and practical lesson.

Should you have any questions I am, naturally, available. Do have a pleasant holiday, Miss Granger.


blushcrush @ 2003-12-15 09:53 pm UTC

Professor, I think Hermione already has plans for the Christmas hols. It's not fair that she should have to brew the potion.

potions_master @ 2003-12-15 09:57 pm UTC

How kind of you to volunteer your time to help your busy friend, Miss Weasley. I am truly touched. You too may keep yourself busy and may compose a foot and a half of parchment on the subject. I always feel magnanimous over Christmas. I will expect your essay on the day of your return.

If anyone else would like the chance to broaden his or her mind in like manner, they have only to speak up now. I believe that the most generous thing to do would be to increase the length of the parchment by half a foot for each subsequent commentor.

missgranger @ 2003-12-16 07:23 pm UTC

Yes, Professor, of course. And thank you for this opportunity.