potterstinks @ 2002-12-31 13:51:00

Current mood:enraged

As I'm sure you all know, today is my birthday, but it's not too late to send owls out. The house-elves will be managing the piles, and I'm sure I'll have time to look through them sooner or later.

Father, Mother, and I went to Provence over the last two days to visit Grandfather and Grandmother. It's always refreshing to spend time with Purebloods who understand the customs of real wizards. Of course, the Malfoys have always been enlightened, and My Grandparents are no different in that.

Grandfather, of course, isn't one for much of Christmas celebrating, so we were fortunately free of the lingering effects Christmas seems to have on wizardkind. Honestly, you'd think that once Christmas was over, everyone could stop blasting fairy lights and tinsel everywhere, but evidently no one has heard of discretion. Grandmother is a bit reserved, like a proper witch should be. She certainly didn't waste any time baking biscuits or something equally pedestrian.

Since our wing at the Manor was so enchanting, Father, Mother, and I spent most of our time there. In such a large manor, it's quite easy to lose your way, so we somehow managed to miss seeing Grandfather and Grandmother too often over the visit.

We did have to return home today in order for Father and Mother to be able to attend a party at the Macnairs', but I suppose all good things must come to an end. I'm sure we'll see Grandfather and Grandmother again next year. Perhaps they'll find more things to look over. Naturally, the Malfoys have always kept an eye on their family members to make sure no one is causing any harm to the family name. Grandfather is rather stern in making certain of that. It's so unfortunate that we had to return to the Manor so quickly.

Tonight Father and Mother are attending a party at the Macnairs', where I'll be stopping in until it grows boring. I've made arrangements to take the Floo Network to Pansy's later in the evening, which I suppose shall be all right, despite Millicent's presence. I think Millicent is still irate that I sent her an insect display for Christmas. Which just figures, of course. I myself feel it was a rather thoughtful gift. I did mention that dead insects remind me of her.

Oh, and I suppose you'll all be wondering what my annual Christmas/Birthday gift was this year. Well, you'll just have to wait. Ha ha ha. I'd like to announce that when I'm at school, just to keep the little reminder with me in the gloom of Hogwarts. After all, the comforts of Malfoy Manor can never be replicated at Hogwarts, so at least I'll have some comfort of home when writing in my dear old journal about it.

Happy New Year, cretins.


pe_eee_ee_eeves @ 2002-12-31 11:35 pm UTC

awwww, looksie here! looks like noone's caring about your birthday! hahahahahahahaha what a sad little slytherin

potterstinks @ 2003-01-02 04:33 pm UTC

I'm sure the Bloody Baron will be interested to know that you're stalking Slytherin students on their journal. Oh, look, there's still time to find him before dinner.

perfectprefect @ 2003-01-01 12:45 am UTC

In light of keeping the holiday spirit, I am going to wish you a happy birthday, Malfoy. Let us hope that with another year behind you, you shall learn a bit of maturity.

Percy Weasley

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-01-01 12:53 am UTC

My own brother! What do you think you're doing, telling that THING to have a happy birthday?! Traitor!

perfectprefect @ 2003-01-01 01:02 am UTC

Ronald, it is the holidays, a time infamous for extending good will towards all. Despite Malfoy's malevolent attitude, I am not above offering the olive branch. It is not traitorous, but instead mature, to know when it is a time to send pleasant greetings across treacherous waters.

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-01-01 01:09 am UTC

Good will? Towards MALFOY? What next, are you going to start sending cakes to You-Know-Who??

perfectprefect @ 2003-01-01 01:15 am UTC

Of course not. Do not be ridiculous, Ronald. I would not be surprised if a bit of good will might bring He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named around, but I digress. If you wish to think me traitorous, I cannot stop you, but do keep in mind that I am your brother and only looking out for your best interest.

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-01-01 01:23 am UTC

Best interest, my foot! My best interest is NOT birthday wishes to Malfoy!

potterstinks @ 2003-01-02 04:23 pm UTC

Shut up, Weasley. I don't want your fetid olive branch.

arithmantra @ 2003-01-01 12:54 am UTC

Why, what a perfect day to turn 17, Mr. Malfoy. New Year's Eve is always an exciting time, full of promise--one need not be an arithmantician to see its appropriateness. I hope you had a lovely time of it, and wish you good things in the year to come.

potterstinks @ 2003-01-02 04:35 pm UTC

Thank you, Professor Vector. I'll be sure to keep that in mind.

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-01-01 12:54 am UTC

Hah! I don't see any of your "friends" telling you to have a happy birthday! Figures no one would care.

arithmantra @ 2003-01-01 12:57 am UTC

Mr. Weasley, I don't believe you saw anyone parading through your personal journal with their mean spirits on your birthday. Kindly hie yourself there and be nice. Ten points from Gryffindor.

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-01-01 12:59 am UTC

But we didn't even HAVE journals on my birthday! My birthday is in March! It's not like HE'S going to send me biscuits for it!

la_pensee @ 2003-01-01 10:51 am UTC

Dearest Ron,

Surely I do not need to tell you that there are other means of communication. I do not need to wish him a happy birthday over journal when I can quite easily say it to him in person.


potterstinks @ 2003-01-02 04:31 pm UTC

Oh, don't bother trying to explain socialisation to the Weasel. Being raised in a barn leaves one with little understanding of the world around you.

potterstinks @ 2003-01-02 04:28 pm UTC

Lord, Weasley, you really are pathetic. My friends have better things to do than sit around talking to me over journals, since, contrary to popular belief, owls are still in use. Not to mention the fact that I spent the night of my birthday at Pansy's. But I suppose you thought they ought to get on their computers while I was sitting there and speak to me only through this pathetic comment feature.

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-01-01 12:57 am UTC

Hah again! Even the teachers feel sorry for you, cockroach breath! Hahahahaha!

arithmantra @ 2003-01-01 01:14 am UTC

Ahem. Mr. Weasley, 5 more points. I believe I know when I am being solicitous and when I am not. Now leave Mr. Malfoy alone and take a page from your elder brother. Percival was always extremely well-mannered. You would do good to learn his example.

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-01-01 01:22 am UTC

5 points?! For what?! Professor, have you MET Percy? He's a nightmare! Anyone taking a page from his book ought to get paper cuts! It's not like Malfoy's been all sunshine and roses to me, either. You just watch, he'll send me rotting fruit for my birthday, and then where will all this good will get me? Nowhere!

potterstinks @ 2003-01-02 04:25 pm UTC

Oh, go on, Weasley. Wish me a happy birthday like a good little lapdog.

perfectprefect @ 2003-01-01 01:32 am UTC

Thank you, Professor. I am glad that you have noticed. I do hope that one day I will be of more influence to Ronald, but I am afraid I cannot work miracles.

Percy Weasley

purestblood @ 2003-01-01 01:01 am UTC


On this, your birthday, I wanted to take the time to let you know how pleased both your mother and I are at your progress. You're growing into a fine example of the Malfoy bloodline. Your grades, while not at the top of your class, are nevertheless acceptable. Your status as prefect serves to illustrate the natural leadership qualities all Malfoys have. We send you our best wishes, and a decorator will come to Hogwarts next week to design your room to any specifications you so desire. Our surroundings affect the work we do, and being a Malfoy is a great responsiblity indeed. I have no doubts you will rise to the challenge, my son.

Your Father

P.S. Please find enclosed a package containing new dragonhide boots, leather pants, a new cloak, three new sweaters, an elf whose sole purpose is the care and upkeep of your broom, a cake, new linens for your bed, and two pairs of new gloves. If any of these items are missing, apprise me at the earliest opportunity.

potterstinks @ 2003-01-02 05:21 pm UTC


Having had your expert guidance to follow, naturally I've managed to hold up the Malfoy name in such a manner. After all, I have learned from the best.

Your pride and joy,

just_harry @ 2003-01-05 01:13 am UTC

Happy birthday, kind of late I guess.

potterstinks @ 2003-01-05 01:21 am UTC

Why the sod are you wishing me a happy birthday?

just_harry @ 2003-01-05 01:29 am UTC

Because its your birthday?

potterstinks @ 2003-01-05 01:37 am UTC

Well in that case, of course that's the perfectly normal thing for you to do. I'll be sure to start sending you cards on every bank holiday.

just_harry @ 2003-01-05 01:44 am UTC

What doesn't work?

potterstinks @ 2003-01-05 01:50 am UTC


just_harry @ 2003-01-05 01:51 am UTC

What are you talking about?

potterstinks @ 2003-01-05 01:53 am UTC

What are you talking about?

just_harry @ 2003-01-05 01:56 am UTC

This! What didn't work?

potterstinks @ 2003-01-05 02:00 am UTC

If you have to ask, you'll never know.

just_harry @ 2003-01-05 01:30 am UTC

I mean it was your birthday. It's not anymore.

potterstinks @ 2003-01-05 01:35 am UTC

Very clever of you to notice that, Potter. Do you make it a habit to take photos of yourself posing with Snitches?

just_harry @ 2003-01-05 01:43 am UTC

No! I don't know what you're talking about.

potterstinks @ 2003-01-05 01:46 am UTC

Oh, how diabolical of you to change photos. Now you look as though you have a beard.

I am talking about this:

What a quaint photo.

just_harry @ 2003-01-05 01:50 am UTC

Well, obviously I didn't take it!

potterstinks @ 2003-01-05 01:51 am UTC

Hello, my name is Potter, and I like to comment without a photo because it makes me unique.

potterstinks @ 2003-01-05 01:29 am UTC

Oh, and by the way, it doesn't work.

just_harry @ 2003-01-05 01:31 am UTC

What doesn't work?
