potterstinks @ 2003-01-29 09:34:00

Current mood:enraged

I've just exchanged a few civilities and emails with Pansy and Millicent, and I've come to the conclusion that the grand state of ennui that has overtaken Hogwarts is crippling. God, you'd think if I have to be stuck here with you imbeciles, some of you could at least land yourselves in the hospital wing after acquiring injuries during pathetic attempts at sexual experimentation. There is something wrong with this world when wizards are resorting to exchanging email from within the same dungeons to entertain themselves. Next you'll all be playing computer solitaire in lieu of preparing potions.

Goyle and I did have a bit of entertainment in coming up with various ways to quell Crabbe's snoring, but since he's shown no sign of stopping, that's become rather tedious as well. I've finally managed to restore my desktop to its original state, despite all efforts from Millicent to continue cursing it into photos of herself. Now each time she does it, one of her files disappears.

Thus far, neither the Slytherin nor Gryffindor Quidditch teams have managed to schedule a practice, and only the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs seem to be practising. Professor Sinistra has threatened to put Gryffindor players on the Slytherin team if we don't work out an agreeable solution soon, so Landgreen had best get out of the hospital wing as soon as possible.

The rest of this is of no one's business but My Mother's.

Mother, under the extreme circumstances I am managing to survive. Fortunately, being a Malfoy has given me the strength to persevere even during trauma. Of course, no one's lifted a finger to do anything about my owl yet, which is typical but completely uncivilised. I assure you, however, that the hoodlums in the other Houses know their place below me.

I understand that Father is quite busy, of course, but should you be able to mention to him that Weasley has gone unpunished for slaughtering my owl, it would be quite appreciated. Luckily I've not had to spend any excess time with the Weasel, apart from classes and meals. I met with Potter last week to discuss this mess over sharing the Quidditch pitch, but he didn't seem quite willing to explain for Weasley's behaviour. It seems that even Weasley's motley friends were aghast by his actions. However, it remains that no one is doing anything about this, and I demand action.

It's a complete and utter outrage to leave something like this unpunished. I lost House points because I accidentally dissected Longbottom's stupid toad, and that wasn't even pre-meditated murder. Just because someone is a Gryffindor, they seem to be excused of all their wrong-doings. Don't you remember my first year? Dumbledore came up with all of those pathetic reasons just to give Gryffindor more points so they'd win the House Cup. Giving points to Longbottom. Honestly. The bias in this castle is astounding. You would think the man could be a bit less blatant.

I do hope this finds you in better conditions than I left you. I look forward to seeing you at the end of term.


sinistra @ 2003-01-29 03:23 am UTC

Mr Malfoy, perhaps if you were to consider actually participating in the compromisation in the Great Quidditch Pitch Caper, this would be getting done a lot faster. Mr Potter and Ms MacDonald could each easily take Mr Landgreen's place. I do realise that this is a staggering idea to a Malfoy, but you might look beyond the person with the most power.

potterstinks @ 2003-01-30 02:09 am UTC

Actually, I don't find Landgreen to be in any position of power.

petitemillicent @ 2003-01-29 08:34 am UTC

Your desktop is ugly.

Give me back my butiamacheerleader.mpg file.

It took me fifteen minutes to download.

M. B.

potterstinks @ 2003-01-29 09:00 am UTC

It's been forwarded to Flitwick's computer, I'm afraid.

petitemillicent @ 2003-01-29 09:22 am UTC

You are such a great friend.

M. B.

potterstinks @ 2003-01-30 02:10 am UTC

It's such a chore being perfect.

petitemillicent @ 2003-01-30 02:32 am UTC

I can relate.

M. B.

la_pensee @ 2003-01-29 08:49 am UTC

Oooh, Draco. I do love it when you sound so authoritative. Really, I do agree, someone needs to provide us Slytherins with entertainment.

potterstinks @ 2003-01-30 02:08 am UTC

Well, I'm certainly not a Prefect for nothing. And for the record, I doubt that was Zabini in the commmon room. I hear it sleeps in a broom cupboard.

la_pensee @ 2003-01-30 08:49 am UTC

I suppose you would know, Draco darling, if it was Zabini or not, since you've actually slept down there in the common room.

potterstinks @ 2003-01-31 07:29 am UTC

Very funny.

crabbe @ 2003-01-29 06:01 pm UTC

sorry I've been keeping you up or whatever. I've got my own problems though.

Never been able to say no to Gran before...and now she wants to set me up with some girl.

Yeah, Dumbledore's a complete hypocrite. I hope the whole Quidditch thing works out. We do need to practice sometime...

potterstinks @ 2003-01-30 02:08 am UTC

Lord, Crabbe, do you want me to write a letter to your grandmother for you? Really, I assumed you'd managed to get past this by now.

crabbe @ 2003-01-30 02:55 am UTC

she's -scary-.

potterstinks @ 2003-01-30 06:44 am UTC

Dear Mrs Crabbe,

It has come to our attention at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry that you have full intentions of having your grandson, Vincent Crabbe, betrothed before his eighteenth birthday. As you may know, Mrs Crabbe, these sorts of customs have died out amongst witches and wizards, and with good reason. Take, for example, the case of Samuel Willeford in 1942, who found himself wed to a pathologically lying Muggle-born witch due to a concealment spell and a change of surname. We cannot have these sorts of mishaps going on with this generation.

The Pureblooded families that remain must not take any chances. While we feel that background checks and Veritaserum testing is still within every person's rights, the risk of danger with arranged marriages increases as blood is mixed more and more throughout the Wizarding World. The damage cannot be undone, but you, Mrs Crabbe, have the opportunity--nay, the duty--to prevent it from continuing.

I also might add that arranged marriages are considered to be a severe violation of a wizard's right to choose. We cannot revert to such barbaric customs now. Therefore, it is only proper that we at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry have decided to step in on Vincent's behalf. We implore you to allow your son the right to choose his own life partner at a suitable age. Surely you realise that he may not be able to find that witch at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Give your grandson time, Mrs Crabbe, and he will find a Pureblood. Even if it takes him to his old age, you must allow him to make this decision for himself. I trust you will make the right decision.


crabbe @ 2003-01-30 06:54 am UTC

Wow. Uh...thanks.

Hopefully that will work. I mean, it may be a Crabbe tradition to get sucked into marriages with witches that run everything from behind the scenes, but I'm not ready to go there yet.

On the other hand, knowing my Gran, she'll prolly send Professor Dumbledore a Howler. Which might be interesting.

colin__creevey @ 2003-01-31 07:51 am UTC

You shut up, Malfoy! Everyone knows Gryffindor's the best!! You're just a - a sore loser!