potterstinks @ 2003-06-18 07:54:00 |
Current mood: | enraged |
Someone is going to die.
Millicent and I are currently reading Patriot's Passion, purely for research purposes, and her sodding cat has eaten the last page of the book. All that remains is the summary from the back, part of which reads, He would sample the silken wonders of her creamy flesh, taste the wild honey of her beckoning lips and leave her trembling with the sensual power of a PATRIOT'S PASSION. Now how will I ever know if Thayer will, indeed, taste the wild honey of her beckoning lips or if she'll choose his rebellious twin brother, Sterling? This is the last time I bother taking care of Millicent's books when I steal them. One would think her cat could have a bit more consideration.
Yesterday was another fabulous day in the fabulous life at this fabulous school. Potter sat with me in Potions, so of course Professor Snape took points off of my potion as well because our dragon liver wasn't thoroughly minced. Weasley, of course, sat behind us and spent the entire lesson stepping on the backs of my shoes with his big, dirty feet. Then he started prattling on about colours and mumbling to himself like a proper madman.
I rather think someone needs to alert Brown that human beings eat to live. We don't live to eat. I've just been pondering the meaning of this over lunch yesterday, while Millicent was eating ham. I don't see how anyone could eat such a vile food. Every time I eat it I feel as though I'm consuming leathery human flesh that pulls away from itself in chunks and cotton. For the same reason, I can't tolerate cooked tomatoes. One can feel the skin slipping away from the body, and I find it rather disgusting. I find food that feels like human flesh unappetising. But then, I suppose, I'm odd like that.
I also think chicken can be quite intolerable on occasion. Have you ever noticed it occasionally has spots in it that appear to be very dark blood? Not to mention the way the meat rips apart from itself and is often far too slimy to eat. Let us not forget, of course, that most chicken leaves one's fingers slippery and unclean.
After Arithmancy I had an interesting encounter with Potter, who hunted me like an evil overlord after lessons and informed me I was going to meet my maker. I discovered that his head doesn't have the soft spot that most babies appear to. You can, in fact, knock his head into walls without sending brains leaking out of his ears. In any case, Potter and I clearly needed to have it out and now, perhaps, he has learnt his lesson about flooding my journal with mashed carrots. I take these affronts very seriously.
potterstinks @ 2003-06-18 04:08 am UTC |
If you don't keep that mongrel away from my reading material she'll be bald.
(parent) petitemillicent @ 2003-06-18 04:13 am UTC Re: |
I would.
All your reading materials are belong to me.
M. B.
potterstinks @ 2003-06-18 04:47 am UTC |
Well, it's not as though I'm going to waste money on books.
(parent)![]() knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-18 03:57 am UTC |
I wasn't mumbling and you were in MY way! Will you bloody stop talking about me in your sodding entries?! And while you're at it, stop making up stories about Harry, idiot.
potterstinks @ 2003-06-18 04:09 am UTC |
Yes, Weasley, I sit around making up stories about hitting Potter's head into the wall. And post them where, of course, Potter can see them and call them lies. Why would I bother making up an elaborate tale only to have Potter tell the truth? Go on and ask him.
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-18 04:15 am UTC Re: |
I know what you're bloody doing, Malfoy! I'm bloody well not going to ask Harry!
(parent)potterstinks @ 2003-06-18 05:23 am UTC |
I think I'll get up and sit next to you over there until you ask Potter.
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-18 05:26 am UTC Re: |
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-18 05:30 am UTC Re: |
Have you gone COMPLETELY MENTAL?! If you dare to sit down I'll bloody H
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-18 05:31 am UTC Re: |
(parent)potterstinks @ 2003-06-18 05:38 am UTC |
Perhaps you missed the part where I said I was coming over.
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-18 05:41 am UTC |
(parent)potterstinks @ 2003-06-18 05:43 am UTC |
Oh, I was just planning to ask you what you're having for breakfast.
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-18 05:46 am UTC |
How am I suppose to know?! It's not breakfast yet is it! Why don't you come and be a royal pain at LUNCH? WHAT ARE YOU UP TO?!
(parent)potterstinks @ 2003-06-18 06:09 am UTC |
knight_weasley has selected the "Falling Hearts" IMVironment.
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-18 06:14 am UTC |
dracobloodymalfoy has selected the "Falling Hearts" IMVironment.
dracobloodymalfoy has selected the "Falling Hearts" IMVironment.
dracobloodymalfoy has selected the "Falling Hearts" IMVironment.
dracobloodymalfoy has selected the "Falling Hearts" IMVironment.
dracobloodymalfoy has selected the "Falling Hearts" IMVironment.
dracobloodymalfoy has selected the "Falling Hearts" IMVironment.
dracobloodymalfoy has selected the "Falling Hearts" IMVironment.
dracobloodymalfoy has selected the "Falling Hearts" IMVironment.
dracobloodymalfoy has selected the "Falling Hearts" IMVironment.
dracobloodymalfoy has selected the "Falling Hearts" IMVironment.
dracobloodymalfoy has selected the "Falling Hearts" IMVironment.
dracobloodymalfoy has selected the "Falling Hearts" IMVironment.
potterstinks @ 2003-06-18 06:20 am UTC |
knight_weasley has selected the "Falling Hearts" IMVironment.knight_weasley has selected the "Falling Hearts" IMVironment.knight_weasley has selected the "Falling Hearts" IMVironment.knight_weasley has selected the "Falling Hearts" IMVironment.knight_weasley has selected the "Falling Hearts" IMVironment.knight_weasley has selected the "Falling Hearts" IMVironment.knight_weasley has selected the "Falling Hearts" IMVironment.knight_weasley has selected the "Falling Hearts" IMVironment.knight_weasley has selected the "Falling Hearts" IMVironment.knight_weasley has selected the "Falling Hearts" IMVironment.
(parent)![]() knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-18 06:24 am UTC |
dracobloodymalfoy has selected the "Falling Hearts" IMVironment.
dracobloodymalfoy has selected the "Falling Hearts" IMVironment.
dracobloodymalfoy has selected the "Falling Hearts" IMVironment.
dracobloodymalfoy has selected the "Falling Hearts" IMVironment.
dracobloodymalfoy has selected the "Falling Hearts" IMVironment.
dracobloodymalfoy has selected the "Falling Hearts" IMVironment.
dracobloodymalfoy has selected the "Falling Hearts" IMVironment.
dracobloodymalfoy has selected the "Falling Hearts" IMVironment.
dracobloodymalfoy has selected the "Falling Hearts" IMVironment.
dracobloodymalfoy has selected the "Falling Hearts" IMVironment.
dracobloodymalfoy has selected the "Falling Hearts" IMVironment.
dracobloodymalfoy has selected the "Falling Hearts" IMVironment.
hannahabbott @ 2003-06-18 06:21 am UTC |
Uh, don't mean to interrupt but isn't it kind of silly to be shouting at each other when you're already chatting online? It's just sort of difficult trying to concentrate on revision with all the noise.
(parent)blondenarcissa @ 2003-06-18 05:31 am UTC |
I have a spare copy of Patriot's Passion that I would owl you but I am unsure if you would even pay notice to a parcel from your mother. Do let me know if you would like it as I would hate to send Jude Thaddeus out on flight otherwise unnecesarily.
blondenarcissa @ 2003-06-18 05:40 am UTC Re: |
I shall send it to you posthaste, then.
just_harry @ 2003-06-18 09:50 pm UTC |
Well, it's not like I'm tired anyway. I think I'll risk it.
(parent)potterstinks @ 2003-06-18 09:56 pm UTC |
I hope you aren't attempting to be menacing. I am to live a short life. That wouldn't be very valiant. Now I'll have to live every day as though it's my last. That's rather inconvenient.
(parent)potterstinks @ 2003-06-18 10:14 pm UTC |
Please, Potter, I'm in the greenhouses. Sprout will likely realise I'm not working on Herbology if I have to start cursing the computer.
(parent)sibyllsays @ 2003-06-18 09:06 pm UTC |
Mr Potter. . . . those born under the sign of the Lion should not wear orange. . . . Warm colours as this may call to much attention to your Self. . . .
(parent)potterstinks @ 2003-06-18 09:19 pm UTC |
That's convenient, considering that his house colours are red and gold.
(parent)sibyllsays @ 2003-06-18 09:22 pm UTC |
The truth does not always keep good Fortune on our side!
(parent)potterstinks @ 2003-06-18 09:27 pm UTC |
Yes, and I suppose orange only draws attention to Leos, then?
(parent)sibyllsays @ 2003-06-18 09:36 pm UTC |
It is a Great Danger to Leos. This is a private matter between Mr Potter and myself. . . . You, I suspect, were born on the Eve of the New Year. . . . An ill-fated day. . . .
(parent)potterstinks @ 2003-06-18 09:39 pm UTC |
Yes, and a day that I list plainly in my journal profile. Also, if you'd like to keep affairs private, I'd suggest you don't mention them in my journal instead of Potter's.
(parent)sibyllsays @ 2003-06-18 09:43 pm UTC |
The Fates have spoken, my dear boy. . . . You are to live a short life, I am sorry to break it to you this way. . . .
(parent)potterstinks @ 2003-06-18 09:46 pm UTC |
My Father says the Fates stopped returning your owls ages ago.
(parent)just_harry @ 2003-06-18 09:54 pm UTC |
Thanks for letting me know. Next time I feel like wearing my Chudley robes just anywhere instead of to a Chudley match where nearly every other person there is wearing the exact same thing, I'll remember this and try to stop myself, okay?
(parent)sibyllsays @ 2003-06-18 09:57 pm UTC |
You do not take the Fates seriously. . . . Tragic. . . .
(parent)just_harry @ 2003-06-18 10:03 pm UTC |
Oh, no, it's not the Fates that I don't take seriously.
(parent)sibyllsays @ 2003-06-18 10:09 pm UTC |
I must now go shed a tear over the tragic Destinies of yourself and Mr Malfoy. . . . So young. . . . . . . . . Tragedy!. . . . . . . . .