purestblood @ 2004-05-02 17:44:00

Current mood:annoyed
Current music:Tom Wandston, "Cornelius Fudge Told the Nation"

Well, Dacey is gone and it's all quite incomprehensible (and inconvenient) to me why such an innocent life had to end the way it did, when she'd done nothing to deserve such an ignominous end, quick though it might have been. I'm quite beside myself, as is Narcissa. Draco is quite traumatised. We've suffered a great loss in this family and I just wish it could have been myself.


blondenarcissa @ 2004-05-02 03:59 pm UTC


purestblood @ 2004-05-02 04:02 pm UTC

Yes, darling?

blondenarcissa @ 2004-05-02 04:03 pm UTC

Are your shoulders aching?

purestblood @ 2004-05-02 04:08 pm UTC

...They're a bit stiff but I wouldn't say aching, no. Why do you ask?

blondenarcissa @ 2004-05-02 04:09 pm UTC

I thought they might be weighted down with the burden, is all.

purestblood @ 2004-05-02 04:12 pm UTC

I'll send Kiki in with another pitcher of martinis.

blondenarcissa @ 2004-05-02 04:13 pm UTC

I can fend for myself.

purestblood @ 2004-05-02 04:21 pm UTC

Now, darling, you've had a most traumatising weekend. You should be tended to.

blondenarcissa @ 2004-05-02 04:22 pm UTC

Yes, I should be, shouldn't I? However, the one individual that is entirely capable of doing so is now gone and you are making a mockery of her.

How dare you.

purestblood @ 2004-05-02 04:24 pm UTC

Were you that attached, I daresay you could have stepped in and suggested another victim. I've got a little list, if you're interested. She certainly wasn't my choice.

blondenarcissa @ 2004-05-02 04:27 pm UTC

She wasn't a choice. She was a casualty.

purestblood @ 2004-05-02 04:32 pm UTC

And would you rather another casualty be chosen from those present? Think carefully on that one, Narcissa.

blondenarcissa @ 2004-05-02 04:34 pm UTC

Of course not. I would rather there had been none, though.

purestblood @ 2004-05-02 04:35 pm UTC

As do we all, my love, but the lesson couldn't have been administered properly without someone to demonstrate upon, could it?

blondenarcissa @ 2004-05-02 04:38 pm UTC

I am not certain the lesson was administered properly as it was.

purestblood @ 2004-05-02 04:47 pm UTC

I don't know what you want from me, Narcissa. I was just as worried as you, and many times I wanted to go into that room and stop what was happening. Do you understand that I could not, any more than you could? Draco is going to be fine. His nose will heal, and things could have gone very wrong, all things considered. I'm only trying to do what's best for my family; both of you seem to think you know what's best. Therefore, I leave you to it. I'm going to see Gunther.

Good luck.

blondenarcissa @ 2004-05-02 04:56 pm UTC

I think you're only doing what's best for Lucius, Lucius...all things considered. We have only been married for nineteen years, Lucius. I would think that by now you would know what I want from you.

potterstinks @ 2004-05-02 04:39 pm UTC

Neither you nor Mother were in the room, Father, so I imagine I'm the only person who actually knows what sort of 'choice' was made regarding Mother's elf.

blondenarcissa @ 2004-05-02 04:45 pm UTC

I wish I had been there for you, Draco.

potterstinks @ 2004-05-02 04:48 pm UTC

I am quite fine, Mother.

blondenarcissa @ 2004-05-02 04:52 pm UTC

Darling, I am your Mother.

purestblood @ 2004-05-02 04:45 pm UTC

I'd say the choices were rather limited.

potterstinks @ 2004-05-02 04:47 pm UTC

I don't imagine a snack is a matter of choice.

purestblood @ 2004-05-02 04:49 pm UTC

It could have been you.

potterstinks @ 2004-05-02 04:50 pm UTC

That likely wouldn't have had the same effect.

purestblood @ 2004-05-02 04:52 pm UTC

Do stop to consider how she came to be in the position to become part of the table d'hote.

Obviously you and Narcissa have this all figured out and do not require any further participation from myself. I'll bow out. Narcissa, if you feel you have need of me, I'll be in Paris, at the Ritz.

potterstinks @ 2004-05-02 04:55 pm UTC

I apologise, Father. I am under a great deal of stress, as you know, especially after this Quidditch debacle. I didn't intend to be hostile.

blondenarcissa @ 2004-05-02 04:58 pm UTC

What about your son, Lucius? Do you not think he has need of you? That he has not needed you? My, you are reminding me of Edward right now.

purestblood @ 2004-05-02 05:01 pm UTC

He's alive, Narcissa. Do not take that for granted. I've done all that's in my power to see that it is so, and maybe I've given up some things I shouldn't have, but he is my son and I did the only thing I knew how to do. I'm sorry that's not good enough for you. You know nothing about my father except that which he's allowed you to see, and believe me, that is not a considerable amount. We've been married nineteen years; clearly you haven't learned much about me at all.

Goodbye, Narcissa. I'll be reachable by owl.

blondenarcissa @ 2004-05-02 05:07 pm UTC

I shall never take that fact for granted. On the contrary, I do not think you managed to do all that you are capable of, Lucius. I have seen you down this path before walking it much more confidently than you have these past few days. I expect more from you. I know enough of your father to realise when he is standing before me in the guise of my husband. Clearly you underestimate me.
