purestblood @ 2003-08-01 21:28:00

Current mood:annoyed

Well, at last the mystery of the private investigator is solved. Despite his high recommendations, he took advantage of Narcissa's and my concern over her heritage and twisted the situation to repay an old greivance long held against the Peltier family. I could have suggested several ways for him to repay said greivance, but he chose to strike back at that most innocent of targets: my Narcissa. The whole thing is clearly unacceptable. I had thought that those of his ilk had been rounded up and placed among their own kind years ago but sadly find that I am mistaken.

Narcissa rises above all of this and her recent most serious illness with her usual grace. I have been staying in her chambers to attend to her every need, and I daresay hiring professional storytellers to act out her favorite novels has been quite a success. We quite enjoyed the recent interpretatons of "Passionate Trousers" and found them to be quite uplifting. I am, as always, Narcissa's dark Vlador.

I must away and select my wardrobe for the upcoming festivities. Narcissa has been quite distraught with Draco's latest indifference to her and I daresay I shall have to ascertain from him exactly why he can find time for all his school chums but not his own dear mother, who never even broke a sweat while she labored so extensively to bring him into this world.

Draco. You will be attending the party with your mother and myself. End of discussion.

