seamus_f @ 2004-06-09 01:12:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
And the truth shall set you free
Seems to me there's been a lot of truthtelling of late.
I told someone the truth recently and it was mostly good, but I still feel a bit odd about it. Everyone seems to think it was a good thing, though.
Someone else got some truth that might not have been how they wanted to hear it, but does that really matter?
Someone I love dearly got a bit of unpleasant truth but isn't it better to know? Do you feel better for knowing?
Also, to tell the truth, I'm not sure if I should feel flattered that I have been mentioned in the mad ravings of a sleep deprived idiot, or not.
And now, back to revision.
deanthomas @ 2004-06-09 11:58 am UTC |
Someone definitely thinks it is a good thing, yes, despite the rather strange circumstances involved.
I hope people reading this realise you are talking about at least three different someones, with various unreferred to but hinted at other someones in there as well.
seamus_f @ 2004-06-09 12:05 pm UTC |
Don't be cross because you weren't any of the someones. Your presence is always understood, and always has been, even before. It is rather strange but I hope you don't feel strange about it. I mean, the feelings are real, not circumstantial.
What I'm surprised about is that there are so many people admitting things lately.
deanthomas @ 2004-06-09 12:12 pm UTC |
I'm not cross you tit, nor am I feeling strange. I'm wildly happy. Even in the midst of NEWTs hell, and that is saying something.
If you are surprised at certain someones then I must be... surprised times surprised. Which equals faintly godsmacked, I think.
seamus_f @ 2004-06-09 12:25 pm UTC |
Wildly happy? Sure y'are. I am far too superstitious, of course, to actually say that, but you always know how I feel anyway, no matter how I try to hide it.
Some people seem shocked enough that they don't even believe it. But you know, for the first time I think that all might turn out okay in the end, barring the obvious interference.
deanthomas @ 2004-06-09 12:46 pm UTC |
I hadn't noticed you trying to hide anything, actually. You must be doing a poor job at it.
I can't blame some people for their skepticism. Particularly since interference seems to follow them around doggedly. But yeah, it would be nice if things turned out okay in the end. Would be nice if things turned out okay for all of us, really.
seamus_f @ 2004-06-09 01:12 pm UTC |
Your mouth to God's ear. But I think we all will have to do something about that particular interference, in the end, won't we?
I suppose I am less trying to hide it than trying not to proclaim it and tempt fate. (See above re interference.)
Which reminds me, what are we doing after we leave? Are we a we enough to worry about this together? Given, also, that I won't know until after NEWTs.
deanthomas @ 2004-06-09 01:20 pm UTC |
Oh, we will. All of us.
And then there's me. Hiding things didn't get me very far last year. Not that I'm one to make a show of things... you know, aside from my terrific dancing skills.
We're already worrying together, seems like. Or starting to, anyway.
seamus_f @ 2004-06-09 01:33 pm UTC |
Well, then we may as well get on with it. I have an offer at St. Mungo's pending the NEWT results. If I don't do well enough, I have no idea what I'm going to do, in any way, except scramble or freak out or beg or otherwise act ridiculous. So that's London for me.
You keep dancing. Perhaps this is what you should do when we leave school. It does wonders for your back muscles. mmm.
deanthomas @ 2004-06-09 01:40 pm UTC |
I have no offers, because I never dedicated myself to one thing or another until now. But there's always art school. I've always been pretty brill at Charms, too.
London's calling, then?
I don't think breakdancing will bring in much money, unless you start tipping me in galleons instead of the usual way.
seamus_f @ 2004-06-09 02:41 pm UTC |
ART SCHOOL. But wait, what do you mean "until now"?
I am very sure you would rather that I did tip you in the usual way.
Ah, let's take Leigheas out after dinner. I'm going a bit mad sitting still revising.
deanthomas @ 2004-06-09 03:00 pm UTC |
I mean until now. Because of George and Charlie. And you.
You know me too well.
Brill idea. Been meaning to pay my horsey a visit.
seamus_f @ 2004-06-09 03:56 pm UTC |
Me? Well. And you.
"My horsey"? You are so twee sometimes. It's very reassuring.
potterstinks @ 2004-06-09 09:30 pm UTC |
Don't bother being flattered. We also discussed Flitwick at length.
seamus_f @ 2004-06-10 09:13 am UTC |
Well, look what the cat dragged in. In a conversation about me that involves MB, I can't imagine that anything flattering was said, anyway.