seamus_f @ 2003-07-23 22:40:00

Current mood: amused
Current music:balls clacking on the pool table

I got my flower, I got my power
I didn't think I'd have to use my modest and newly acquired healing skills so soon, but I'm glad that Charlie and I came back from Brussels early, the day after the full moon. Still, all's well that ends well and the professor is good as new. So is the cellar, actually, after some days of steady working. Though why anyone thought it was a good idea to put a piano down there I will never know.

I'm not sure there is much else to say, really. Life at Dogear Wyrde is calm and steady, though the biggest surprise is that Lupin is really brilliantly funny. Charlie is, too, but that's not really a surprise, is it? It helps, you know, to forget . . . things. Anyway, my snooker game is improving by leaps and bounds. I find that I respond very well to positive reinforcement. Mum and Da send the occasional private owl to Lupin to ensure that I am behaving myself but really, it isn't all that difficult. I suppose he's sending back good notices as they have not demanded my immediate return to Ireland, nor have I been kicked out. However I have been doing a great deal of work in the garden. Gardening is MUCH better than 6th year Herbology any day. No offense, Neville. Charlie made some joke having to do with my only being sent into the garden because it's been hot and I have to work with my shirt off. I have decided that further inquiry into the meaning of that will not make me happy.

Well, there is a game to be played and a professor to be cheered and a friend to be satisfied so I'm off for now but keep those owls coming, and Mandy, get out from under all that dust, won't you?

Stay safe, Professor Black.


lupercus @ 2003-07-23 08:37 pm UTC

Actually, Seamus, I've been telling your mum about how you're a noisy little bastard with a habit of leaving your mouldy old socks everywhere. You also whistle out of tune, make horrible coffee, and you've taken up with a freckled chap who smells faintly of dragons.

She doesn't seem too troubled by this, however. Most vexing.

Guess I'm stuck with you both. Woe is me.

- Remus

seamus_f @ 2003-07-23 08:53 pm UTC

No, she already knows all of that. I cannot whistle but I can sing, so you should stop asking me to whistle. I cannot make coffee but I can make tea. And my socks are not mouldy, they are aged.

Woe indeed! If not for us you would not be up at 2am dancing to old Weird Sisters records. I leave it to you to decide if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

lupercus @ 2003-07-23 09:28 pm UTC

I suppose I don't mind having you around, not with your tea and your singing and your aged socks (well, alright, I could do well without the socks). Especially now that you've taken to strolling about the grounds in nowt but your trousers.

No problem with that, have I.

Have you seen my phoenix quill? And might I get your opinion on something that I have been working on? I'm not sure about the positioning, and the script might be a tad crooked. I need another pair of eyes, preferably younger ones that don't need these bloody spectacles.

I am so old.

seamus_f @ 2003-07-23 09:55 pm UTC

I will be a good boy and control the socks. Perhaps I will just wander about barefoot and do without entirely.

*lalala I did not hear that lalala*

Your phoenix quill is on the kitchen table where you left it; you had it behind your ear when you went to get some water, likely. And yes, of course I'd be glad to look at something. You know, there are plenty of younger eyes that need spectacles so I wouldn't work that angle too hard.

Right. You are not old. If you were not the guardian of my roommate, my professor, and married, I would be tempted to prove this to you but as you are all three we'll just leave it as understood, shall we? And shall we not say that again, please? Besides, you still have to teach me how to hustle. The dance, not pool.

lupercus @ 2003-07-24 01:50 am UTC

I wouldn't wander round barefoot in this house. Or, did you miss what the owls did to the front hall this morning? I'm still picking mouse bits out of the carpeting. Bother.

Alright, have phoenix quill. Now, where's the scarlet ink? You know the bottle, with the Hungarian label. I can't find it anywhere. Forget own head, next.

You are a sweet, if disturbing, young man. Meet me in the ballroom, and I'll show you the proper way to shake a tailfeather. And no, that is not innuendo. Honestly. Dirty minds, all round.

And Charlie, don't youstart, either. Buggery little sods, taunting an old married. I'll have your heads for this.

MOTHER OF - where did I put my GLASSES?


erniemacmillan @ 2003-07-23 11:02 pm UTC

Hallo, Finnigan! When are you going back to Ireland? I have my apparation licence and nothing to do!

seamus_f @ 2003-07-23 11:16 pm UTC

Hallo MacMillan! I would say it depends on the prof here, and the mission his husband is on, and where I'm needed. I think this is a summer of going where I'm needed.

But definitely late next month, man, as Mandy is coming for a visit. I believe your own lovely lady will also be coming over. When plans get firm owls will be sent, but keep in touch!

Did you get your license in Dublin? Who did you have for the test?

erniemacmillan @ 2003-07-24 12:56 am UTC

Yeah, I wasn't going all the way to Shropshire for it! I had this really weird witch called Hollinghurst, she was blind as a bat and she almost splinched herself. Doesn't exactly put me in the greatest state of confidence, mind you. My dad said she gave HIM the test back when he took it and that she was really old then, too! Weird.

seamus_f @ 2003-07-24 10:10 am UTC

Mum said Hollinghurst was born old and she's the reason so many splinchings happen in Ireland because she'll give the license to anyone. But I got myself from our kitchen in Co. Cork to the kitchen here without any injury except the landing on Lupin's head bit, so I reckon I'm okay. And in Brussels last week we Apparated all around and all was fine.

Coming to the party here, are you? I think that Mandy is coming back to Ireland with me after, and Hannah as well if she likes, though neither have their licenses so we'll have to be good lads and escort them on the Floo.

wheresmytoad @ 2003-07-27 07:59 pm UTC

Gardening is MUCH better than 6th year Herbology any day. No offense, Neville.

Hey, no arguments from me! I'm having a smashing time gardening this summer myself. Although last night was the first time I went to bed without aching all over from hoeing, shoveling, and heaving those great bloody bags of peat and mulch and soil around. I've pulled more muscles in my back, neck and shoulders than I ever even realised I had.

Looking forward to seeing you at the party. Sounds like grand fun. I asked Professor Lupin if he could use an extra hand that day helping set up, so if he says it's okay, I may come by early.
