seamus_f @ 2004-02-11 14:59:00

Current mood: accomplished

Checking off the list
Right, so that's one task done. And very well, if I do say so myself. Terry actually helped, which is a first, let me tell you.

So I think we should make him eggs. He likes eggs.


boot_boy @ 2004-02-11 12:06 pm UTC

I dunno. I made him eggs once over the summer and he got all antsy that I fucked them up. Are you good at over-easy? I always get distracted and wander away from the stove, and besides, I'm working on my poem.

I was thinking bacon. He likes bacon.

seamus_f @ 2004-02-11 12:12 pm UTC

Well, you can't eat bacon by itself, and if you wander off it gets burnt. I actually am better at scrambled, or perhaps poached.

We need a book. Maybe oatmeal?

boot_boy @ 2004-02-11 12:35 pm UTC

*waves Eight Easy Enchanted Egg Extravaganzas* Oi, I think this'll help.

You make the eggs, I'll work the floral arrangements.

seamus_f @ 2004-02-11 12:39 pm UTC

Hm. It certainly looks easy enough.

What sort of arrangements?

boot_boy @ 2004-02-11 01:29 pm UTC

Silence, Finnegan. The master is at work. No tray is complete without Boot's Breakfast Begonias in a silver vase.

You busy yourself with those eggs, then.

seamus_f @ 2004-02-11 01:36 pm UTC

All right, that's it. I'm calling you Bout.

Begonias? Do you have any taste whatsoever?

potterstinks @ 2004-02-11 01:32 pm UTC

Now now, boys, I don't like bacon and I'm not in the mood for eggs. Oh, and the floral arrangements will have to go. Lord, you'd think you were talking about someone else entirely.

seamus_f @ 2004-02-11 01:40 pm UTC

The brekkie is for a mutual friend.

We did something else for you this afternoon. Haven't been back to your room, have you? I think we did a very tidy job, actually.

potterstinks @ 2004-02-11 01:41 pm UTC


seamus_f @ 2004-02-11 01:48 pm UTC

One of the tasks was "Straighten up for someone not in your house" and Boot refused to set foot in Hufflepuff and you are the only Slytherin whose room I would enter. I was surprised that you weren't more organized, frankly; you seem so "just so". But I think we settled on a good system for you and hey, we didn't break anything.

potterstinks @ 2004-02-11 01:53 pm UTC

You didn't even ask? You entered my dormitory without asking? Were you intending to tell me the system, or were you just going to leave me to guess? Since you didn't break anything, am I to assume you accidentally Vanished it instead?

seamus_f @ 2004-02-11 02:11 pm UTC

You're an intelligent lad. I'm sure you can figure it out. If not, you know where to find me. Of course we didn't Vanish anything. Honestly, what do you think we are?

And no, the point is to perform random acts of kindness. How is it random if we ask for permission?

potterstinks @ 2004-02-11 02:14 pm UTC

Did you arrange my trousers in chronological order?

seamus_f @ 2004-02-11 02:20 pm UTC

Well, that was the only way. We had thought of most to least formal, but with your wardrobe it didn't matter. Then perhaps by colour, but again, it didn't signify. So we did it chronologically by original season, and then within the season alphabetically by designer. Same with your shirts and jumpers. Socks really don't matter but they look so much better rolled, don't they?

potterstinks @ 2004-02-11 02:27 pm UTC

I prefer them folded in half. Come back and fix it.

seamus_f @ 2004-02-11 02:34 pm UTC

And that is why you have creases on your ankles. Also, rolled, they are vertical rather than horizontal which means you do not have to put them on top of each other--everything is in plain view when you open your drawer. Isn't that tidy?

potterstinks @ 2004-02-11 02:39 pm UTC

No, it's not tidy, it's chaotic. Folding them keeps them in better shape and they don't try to turn in on themselves when you lay them out to wear them.

seamus_f @ 2004-02-11 02:47 pm UTC

Malfoy, they are very gently and loosely rolled. They will not curl, nor are they being stretched in any way. And a gentle curve is better than a crease! Good lord, you don't hang your jumpers, now do you?

potterstinks @ 2004-02-11 02:49 pm UTC

Obviously not. But I'm beginning to suspect you might.

seamus_f @ 2004-02-11 02:54 pm UTC

There is no need to be insulting, Malfoy. Of course I don't.

You are lucky I got an owl post from Charlie and are therefore in a good mood. Turpin got you down? I saw that poem. I hope you don't write things like that for other people we know.

potterstinks @ 2004-02-11 02:59 pm UTC

I don't write poetry for anyone else. Turpin and I have a monogamous poetic relationship.

seamus_f @ 2004-02-11 03:08 pm UTC

Wow, that's beautiful. I'm tearing up. You've really touched me. I just hope she appreciates that.

potterstinks @ 2004-02-11 03:17 pm UTC

Well, I'm very thoughtful.

boot_boy @ 2004-02-11 01:50 pm UTC

I must say your room absolutely sparkles now. But Falmouth Falcons sheets, Malfoy? Really, now. Are we twelve?

potterstinks @ 2004-02-11 01:54 pm UTC

Just because they're black and grey, that doesn't exactly make them Falmouth sheets. I'm in SLYTHERIN, you know.

boot_boy @ 2004-02-11 01:58 pm UTC

Ah, that explains the teenyweeny broomsticks, then. Sure it does.

potterstinks @ 2004-02-11 01:59 pm UTC

If you've decorated my linens, I'll decorate your face.

erniemacmillan @ 2004-02-11 02:04 pm UTC

Actually those are from me. I didn't know Finnigan and Boot were going to straighten up for you later. Oh well.

seamus_f @ 2004-02-11 02:12 pm UTC

Ernie, I think that's rather a nice present, and don't let him tell you any different. Appreciative, he is not, by nature.
