sibyllsays @ 2003-08-13 16:26:00

Current mood: cheerful

To fulfill the Headmaster's request
I was only dropping in to say that going to the Hog's Head with Xiomara was very enjoyable! I have not had such fun in ages. We shall have to make it a tradition and go once a week, or perhaps more! I was not aware they made such excellent midori sours but I suppose that magic isn't good for much if you cannot get a decent drink!

And Remus, I am aware that you do not enjoy it when I read for you, but I simply could not resist and I noted that you will be traveling somewhere UNSTABLE in the future!! Do be careful!!


onourbrooms @ 2003-08-13 06:12 pm UTC

I must say, I am quite pleased to find such an amicable drinking partner since Sinistra and Sevvie went off who knows where.

I suppose we're obliged to make a near-daily trip down the pub, since of late we're nearly nomads. Just to be sociable, of course.

You have an excellent singing voice when you're tipsy.

sibyllsays @ 2003-08-13 06:17 pm UTC

I suppose we do, just to appear as though we are having wonderful social lives. And to be sociable, I suppose, although I cannot see why I cannot be sociable from my tower! (Although I do See that you mean "hermits." Which is a Tarot card.)

Thank you. I think.

onourbrooms @ 2003-08-13 06:31 pm UTC

Surely this deception could in fact be a double deception in that we would be having wonderful social lives? Worth an attempt, at least.

If your tower were portable, in the fashion of say, a broomstick; perhaps your sociability would be further facilitated. As this is not the case...

You are quite welcome.

sibyllsays @ 2003-08-13 06:48 pm UTC

We might as well try. The crystal ball into which I am currently gazing seems to say that if we give it our best effort, we should be able to succeed!

Although the signs are a bit cloudy - in the tiniest of ways - a little worrisome. The best way to find out is to try, though, I suppose. The ball doesn't seem to want to answer any further questions I put to it! Most troublesome...

But then I'm not able to figure you out either, so perhaps the ball is just as confused?
