sinistra @ 2002-06-07 03:10:00

Current mood:contemplative

This evening I was walking in the lower levels of Hogwarts and to my surprise I glimpsed the most nasty shade of blond hair from the corner of my eye. (An even worse hue than the distasteful yellow selected to decorate Ms. Bones' journal.) I had only seen this particular hair color on one other person in my entire life, and its ratty quality made me think I must be correct in my assumption that it was none other than Narcissa Malfoy. Despite her wealth, the poor dear had never been able to do much with that awful straw hair of hers. (There is, after all, only so much even spells can do for one's appearance.) I, of course, thought to myself, "What on Earth would Narcissa Malfoy be doing here? Certainly not to visit that son, as she never does that - not that I blame her." However, upon closer inspection, I realized that this was not Narcissa Malfoy but my colleague Severus Snape. Apparently, Sirius Black had charmed some of his shampoo.

Well, at least, we now have conclusive proof that Professor Snape indeed does wash his hair. However, that makes me wonder furthur... All that grease in his hair is done deliberately?


blondenarcissa @ 2002-06-07 01:44 am UTC
I beg your pardon?

Your insinuation that my hair is strawlike -- presumably the result of overprocessing -- is simply laughable. I come from a long line of natural blondes, and as I recall, that dashing brown-haired Ravenclaw that you had such a crush on your seventh-year (what was his name again?) described the texture of my hair as silky! Silky!

So while you're jealousy is quite understandable, it does create the nastiest wrinkles in the forehead, and you don't want yours to become any deeper, do you?

After all, we each chose our user pics to reflect the essence of ourselves in some way, and I thus find it no surprise that whereas I chose an image of a woman only slightly less attractive than myself, you would need the entirety of the Milky Way to encompass the enormity that is your overlarge bottom.

And I'm sure Severus looks just charming with blond hair. Do tell him to send me a happy snap if he gets the opportunity.

sinistra @ 2002-06-07 10:05 am UTC
Re: I beg your pardon?

described the texture of my hair as silky! Silky!

My dear, no need to get so defensive. And really! Do you repeat yourself in order to convince yourself of it's truth? As I know it's not for my sake, I have seen your hair and am quite aware of it's lack luster.

onourbrooms @ 2002-06-07 06:00 pm UTC
Re: I beg your pardon?

I come from a long line of natural blondes

A shame it didn't breed true.

Dear, it's common knowledge that your curtains don't match your carpet.

blondenarcissa @ 2002-06-08 01:44 am UTC
Re: I beg your pardon?

How dare you? Everything at Malfoy Manor matches perfectly, I'll have you know.

Or is this perhaps jealousy that Wizarding Homes and Gardens found the manor a far more suitable subject than a Quidditch broom shed, or whereever it is that you spend all your time?

All those who envy and admire me for my money, beauty, and perfect family life should realize that such blessings have their price. Sadly, this page of envious comments by my inferiors is ample proof of that.

blondenarcissa @ 2002-06-07 02:01 am UTC

And as for your comment about my lovely and talented son, I will have you know that Draco and I enjoy an extremely close relationship, which would only be endangered by excessive interaction.

sinistra @ 2002-06-07 10:00 am UTC

Yes, I have heard rumours about how close you two really are Jocasta.

potterstinks @ 2002-06-07 10:21 am UTC

Now really, Professor, is that how a woman of your age should be acting?

sinistra @ 2002-06-07 10:36 am UTC

10 points from Slytherin for your inappropriateness, Mr. Malfoy.

blondenarcissa @ 2002-06-07 03:14 pm UTC

My dear Sinistra. Such behavior is hardly worthy of a Slytherin. Taking potshots at dear Severus's new coiffure? Deducting points from your own house when Draco tries to defend himself against your slander? And all out of a desire to hurt me? Your jealousy has rendered you so pathetically transparent.

I must admit I had no idea you would react so strongly to my gentle musings on your unique fashion sense and your enviable commitment to historical accuracy in evening wear. Alas, I do not share your interests, and hence your passion for low-end Muggle fashion designers from the mid-80s -- like this Jocasta of whom you speak -- fails to resonate with me. We are, after all, two years into a new millennium, and I for one have updated my wardrobe.
