turpinol @ 2003-05-24 19:57:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Current music: | Acciohead - Anyone Can Use a Wand |
Sibling rivalry.
So my sister is a Muggle. We never know whether to call her a Muggle or a Squib, really, being as my mum is a Muggle as well. Sometimes I think we just call her a Muggle because we know it's less of an insult, but I know she feels like she's a Squib. She's three years older than me, and when we were younger and got into rows I called her a Squib quite a bit. Anyway, part of our Muggle Studies exam is on Squibs. I thought it would be good if I could talk about a Squib's point of view, so I wrote to Jayna for that. Well, she's replied, and she's pretty angry. She says I'm always rubbing me being a witch in her face. I suppose she thought I'd turn out to be a Muggle, too, so she was pretty mad when I got my Hogwarts letter. She didn't speak to me at all or write me during the term, and she didn't talk to me hardly at all during the summer hols after, either. Finally Dad had to tell her to talk to me or else. Anyway, I suppose Jayna's cross with me now, and I wonder if I did it on purpose. I know how she hates being called a Squib, so perhaps I shouldn't have done it. I'd like to say that I wasn't thinking, but I did think about it.
I'm starting to look at the library as home more than my dormitory. I keep thinking I should have taken Care of Magical Creatures instead of Muggle Studies. I debated about it for ages when we chose, and now I realise I know near everything we're learning in Muggle Studies thanks to my mum and Jayna. It's also weird when everyone knows Professor Lupin so well and I've barely ever spoken to him as I don't take his lessons. I'd like to learn a bit more about magical creatures, so I've been checking books out of the library and now I worry I'm using them up when others might want them for their exams. I haven't really the time for recreational reading lately anyway, and Morgan and I are there till nearly half eleven every night. Hermione Granger is always there too, but I think she prefers to work alone as she eyed Morgan and me when we started laughing over a charm to make shrimp dance.
Morgan isn't here now, though, as he's out practising for the match against Hufflepuff next week. I can never get quite excited about Quidditch because I don't see what the fun in it is. I'm not very excited by sports. I'll be supporting Ravenclaw, of course, but I don't even know that I'll attend. I wonder if that means I don't have enough House spirit.
hannahabbott @ 2003-05-24 06:51 pm UTC |
I don't get very excited about Quidditch either. Susan and Justin are just mad about it, but I'm a little afraid of flying myself.
turpinol @ 2003-05-24 07:11 pm UTC |
I like flying quite a bit, actually; I just don't need to have quaffles to do it.
(parent)hannahabbott @ 2003-05-24 07:19 pm UTC |
I just like getting to cheer Hufflepuff on. I never understand what's going on at the matches, but I have a fun time. I'm not even entirely sure what a quaffle is!
(parent)turpinol @ 2003-05-24 07:21 pm UTC |
Oh. Well, my friend Morgan is one of the Ravenclaw Chasers. He talks about it all the time. The quaffle is the ball the Chasers pass around and shoot through the hoops. Every score is worth ten points.
(parent)hannahabbott @ 2003-05-24 07:24 pm UTC |
Ohh. Well why do they hit it with bats? Can't they just throw it in?
Say, did you hear the rumour that Kirley McCormack might do a song with Acciohead? I think it would be brilliant.
turpinol @ 2003-05-24 07:26 pm UTC |
That rumour is a dirty, vicious lie. The Weird Sisters are so mainstream it isn't even funny. Kirley McCormack is scarcely fit to shine anyone from Acciohead's shoes. Acciohead are of a level of music that Kirley McCormack could never hope to reach. All he cares about is looking a certain way. Music isn't about looks.
(parent)hannahabbott @ 2003-05-24 07:29 pm UTC |
I just like listening to both, is all. Acciohead is really wicked. Their songs are so fun to sing to, I thought Kirley McCormack would be cool too.
(parent)turpinol @ 2003-05-24 07:31 pm UTC |
"Wicked"? "Fun to sing to"?
I need to step away from this conversation now.
lupercus @ 2003-05-24 09:04 pm UTC |
Hello, Lisa.
I know it's nearly the end of term, but if you'd like to stop by the Menagerie and have a look round at the animals there, you're more than welcome. I'd be happy to chat with you as well - perhaps you could look into taking the lesson next term?
Professor Lupin
turpinol @ 2003-05-24 11:45 pm UTC |
Hello, Professor. I suspect that I prefer magical creatures in their books rather than in person. I tend to do that with a lot of subject matters. It's reading about them that I find interesting, and I'm less hands-on than most people.