turpinol @ 2004-02-12 22:43:00

Current mood: artistic
Current music:The Octoberists - Here I Dreamt I Was an Arithmancist

I tried to take a picture of the portrait I did of Draco Malfoy for the North Wing, but this camera I bought is terrible. I expected it to be, since it was only a galleon, but I didn't expect it was going to be that bad. So I had to wait in queue for the scanners instead.


divineparvati @ 2004-02-13 04:10 am UTC

Hahaha! That looks Really quite cool, Lisa. Nice work!

turpinol @ 2004-02-13 04:53 am UTC

Thanks, Parvati.

missgranger @ 2004-02-13 04:11 am UTC

What an extremely accurate likeness! Perfect title, too, and the red background fits perfectly.

turpinol @ 2004-02-13 04:54 am UTC

I thought so, too. Thank you!

petitemillicent @ 2004-02-13 04:12 am UTC

Nice work!

M. B.

turpinol @ 2004-02-13 04:54 am UTC

Thanks! Do you want a hug?

potterstinks @ 2004-02-13 05:58 am UTC

Hug her and your note is dead.

turpinol @ 2004-02-13 06:02 am UTC

Well, if she wants to hug me, it's her own choice.

potterstinks @ 2004-02-13 04:19 am UTC

Who the sod told you I look like that?

turpinol @ 2004-02-13 04:54 am UTC

Well, my eyes, for one.

potterstinks @ 2004-02-13 05:56 am UTC

Are you unbalanced? Is there something wrong with your vision? Can you not afford eyewear?

turpinol @ 2004-02-13 06:02 am UTC

Have you looked in the mirror lately? You can't tell me you haven't.

potterstinks @ 2004-02-13 06:06 am UTC

Yes, and strangely I didn't notice a gaping hole where my mouth ought to be. Nor did I notice my arms had suddenly shrivelled into noodles.

turpinol @ 2004-02-13 06:52 am UTC

Artistic interpretation, Malfoy.

potterstinks @ 2004-02-13 07:03 am UTC

Artistic interpretation of what, a noodle?

just_harry @ 2004-02-13 05:36 am UTC

I saw this before in the library with Malfoy when we were sharing a monitor so I definitely didn't think it was funny at all.

I'm alone now though, so. Hahahahahahahahahahahhaa.

turpinol @ 2004-02-13 05:46 am UTC

I'm sure it must have been very hard for you, Harpo.

potterstinks @ 2004-02-13 05:57 am UTC

Hello, Potter. Did you know I can read this? What is wrong with everyone?

just_harry @ 2004-02-13 06:01 am UTC

Yeah. But you're not looming over my shoulder right now.

potterstinks @ 2004-02-13 06:06 am UTC

What makes you certain I'm not? Finch-Fletchley's not exactly the most trustworthy and responsible person in the castle.

just_harry @ 2004-02-13 06:09 am UTC

I think I'd notice if the keys suddenly started typing little messages.

potterstinks @ 2004-02-13 06:15 am UTC

I can operate computers solely via the power of my mind.

just_harry @ 2004-02-13 06:20 am UTC

How could I have forgotten about that?

potterstinks @ 2004-02-13 06:35 am UTC

You're careless, that's how.

just_harry @ 2004-02-13 06:42 am UTC

I don't know how anyone can put up with me.

potterstinks @ 2004-02-13 06:50 am UTC

Nor do I. It can't be your sense of humour.

just_harry @ 2004-02-13 06:57 am UTC

What's wrong with my sense of humour!

potterstinks @ 2004-02-13 07:02 am UTC

If you have to ask, you'll never know.

just_harry @ 2004-02-13 07:07 am UTC

I like my sense of humour!

potterstinks @ 2004-02-13 07:12 am UTC

Well, you would, wouldn't you?

just_harry @ 2004-02-13 07:18 am UTC

Yes, I would, actually!

potterstinks @ 2004-02-13 07:26 am UTC

Once again we've reached my point. I'm glad we're in agreement. Now I shall go as far from Slytherin as possible, as I believe a storm is about to occur.

just_harry @ 2004-02-13 07:27 am UTC

Did Millicent's cheering charms wear off?

potterstinks @ 2004-02-13 07:29 am UTC

I'd escape too if I were you.
