wehaveseven @ 2003-11-21 23:01:00 |
Current mood: | charlie |
Current music: | um |
okay so i have a question little sister. saay you have a pair of socks that you love VERY much because you know they;re the best sort of socks. all comfy squashy sort. and you wear them all the time and you love them and they are YOUR BEST SOCKS yes/ so annyway these socks of yours< they go missing and your really upset of course because SOCKS but eventually its not so bad and maybe you even get a NEW PAIR of socks and they;re not the same but different and you like them fine and you even might start to lvoe them but nt like your old socks because nothings like those right?// so what if someone else finds those oldsocks of yours and TEHY think they could like them fine and maybe love them too because they']re nicesocks and everything and would you mind if someone else had youre socks? what i mean is would you be cross if soeone else decided to try and love yoursocks if they found them??
anyway i love you and you are my favourite sister and i miss you see you at christmas
wehaveseven @ 2003-11-24 05:50 am UTC |
i love you ginny you are my best sister. no i don;t need any socks thanks
was thinking that i might need cho though.
percyneedsalife @ 2003-11-24 12:00 pm UTC |
Very interesting! Quite the shocking development, Dad, don't you think?
(parent)wehaveseven @ 2003-11-24 09:30 pm UTC |
Perhaps he should have consulted his parents before posting gook like this in their journal.
(parent)percyneedsalife @ 2003-11-25 12:55 am UTC |
Settle down, Dad!
This is quite a quandary. On the one hand Ginny's our baby sister but on the other, she dumped Cho fair and square. I'm torn, Dad, I've got to say.
wehaveseven @ 2003-11-25 01:03 am UTC |
I thought old Charles was you know what - well I suppose you do know what but at least your mother might be a bit more content?
(parent)percyneedsalife @ 2003-11-25 01:08 am UTC |
I know what...? What do you mean?
Oh! You mean he's here, he's queer! A homosexual! Gay! A pouf! A bit light in the loafers! Enjoys the company of men! A dyke! Oh, wait, no, that's not right.
Actually Dad this would be a good time to tell you that I'm having marathon sexcapades with Madam Rosmerta.
wehaveseven @ 2003-11-25 01:15 am UTC |
Fred you know I found somethings you left here, what's the cream for?