wheresmytoad @ 2003-07-27 22:13:00 |
Just a quick entry: today's my birthday, so tomorrow I go for my apparation license. Am a bit worried about it. Gran has tried to convince me to wait until the end of the summer before having the test, but I don't want to wait. It'd be nice to have to dispense with the bother of having to take a portkey back and forth to work every day.
It won't solve another problem I have, however: Sara had asked me where I lived, because she wanted to know if we could carpool. It took me a while to figure out what she meant without letting her know I had no idea what she was talking about. Then, when I managed to get across that this wouldn't work because I didn't drive, she assumed that I had to be taking the bus, like her, and she wondered why she didn't ever see me on the bus, since my stop would have to be near hers.
It's really very awkward. I have to take care she's not around when I arrive at the beginning of the work day or when I leave--how could I possibly explain to a muggle why I disappear because Mr. Takakura has just handed me an old flowerpot?
Seamus, I can't imagine how your mother kept the secret that she was a witch until after she married your father. It really is difficult to keep from slipping when just talking about everyday things. I slipped the other day when talking with Sara about music again. I mentioned the Weird Sisters, and Mr. Takakura told me afterwards I had to be more careful. I didn't understand why, but then he explained: the Weird Sisters mention spells all the time in their lyrics, which means I probably shouldn't be talking about their music with muggles. Technically, I suppose it would be a violation of the secrecy codes.