wheresmytoad @ 2003-05-08 06:46:00

Current mood: intimidated
Current music:The Tales of Beatrix Potter: Toad Hall

I don't think
it's really quite fair to take points from Gryffindor because of me before I've even DONE anything.


potions_master @ 2003-05-08 12:05 pm UTC

Would you be questioning my authority as an instructor, Mr Longbottom?

How intriguing. Tell me more.

Professor Snape

wheresmytoad @ 2003-05-08 08:55 pm UTC
Um . . .

No, sir. I certainly know you can do anything in your classroom you want to do, Professor.

wheresmytoad @ 2003-05-09 05:04 am UTC

I know it can't be very easy to teach me. Cos I make lots of mistakes. It's just that . . . um . . .

potions_master @ 2003-05-09 01:41 pm UTC

I am well aware of your excuses, Mr Longbottom. Rest assured nothing you have done has slipped past my notice. It's all quite clear to me, now.

wheresmytoad @ 2003-05-09 05:05 am UTC

. . .

la_pensee @ 2003-05-08 11:39 pm UTC

Oh, poor Neville. I know how you must feel. Why, it was just awful when Draco lost all of Slytherin's points at once. I don't think Gryffindor has anything to worry about, though, since Slytherin has been taken out of the running.