wheresmytoad @ 2003-05-10 12:01:00

Current mood: exhausted

Cleaning up the Potions Classroom
I went to the Potions Classroom after breakfast, as Professor Snape told me to do. Blimey, it was a mess! He was there, but he was dead asleep, lying on a smashed work bench, with his head on top of one of the small cauldrons. I had no idea what to do! I wasn't sure if he had called me there to serve some kind of detention, or to help him clean up, or what. I was actually afraid he might have passed out from the fumes or something--it smelled terrible in there--but he seemed to be snoring, so I figured he was just asleep.

So, I tried to clean up a little bit. I didn't dare try using my wand--with all the potion ingredients spilled all over, there was no telling what might happen! So I tried to separate things that were all jumbled together, and picked up all the equipment and separate the broken stuff from the stuff that could still be used. I tried to mop up some spilled liquid on the floor, but the mop head suddenly turned to goo and the whole thing sort of oozed out of my hands. So I decided to stick with sweeping stuff up instead.

The smell stuffed my nose up and made my eyes water and gave me a terrible headache. I couldn't understand how he could have fallen asleep in the middle of such an awful smell. He must have been really tired.

(He snores kind of funny.)

I have to go take a shower. My robes just stink.

