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Oliver Wood

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Holiday cheer and all that rot [11 Dec 2002|08:54pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]

I've been doing nothing really than practising and hanging round the pitch or the pub with the lads (moreso the pub as of late, it's so bloody cold out now). So, holidays. I imagine I'll go and see Mum and Dad on the day itself, and I need to get some shopping done.

I just wonder - should I pick up something for him? And what DO you get a annoying pillock who drives you stark raving nutters?

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I almost wish I were back at school... [17 Sep 2002|08:14pm]
[ mood | horny ]

...because they certainly didn't make boys like this when I was at Hogwarts! Well, I suppose he WAS there when I was, but my, how he's grown in the last few years! *leers* Too bad he's such an arse. Oi, leave off the Gryffindors, you tosser!

In other news, my hands are no longer green and the rest of my teammates have stopped slagging me off about it. I'm almost tempted to try sending another owl to him, but I don't know. Maybe I'd be better off talking to him in person...

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[07 Sep 2002|09:24pm]
[ mood | pensive ]

Haven't really had much to say as of late. Quidditch has been a great distraction, for which I am quite thankful. Puddlemere even won a game last week. I went and got seriously pissed with my teammates after and managed to forget about him for at least a few hours.

He's avoiding me again. I've sent 3 different owls and each time they come back with the letters crumpled - or in the case of the last one, with a spell on the unopened letter that turned my hands a ghastly shade of green once I touched the parchment. So, yes, I got the message. I won't be sending another owl anytime soon.

I just wish I could forget about him that easily....

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The Date [21 Aug 2002|10:35am]
[ mood | anxious ]

So, Saturday night I Apparated over to Diagon Alley and met Flint Marcus (have to remember to call him Marcus now!!) at the Saucy Wand around 8 o'clock. We had drinks, talked with a minimum of growling at one another, had dinner, talked some more, drank a LOT more, and I think we were still talking in there somewhere.

We were both quite pissed by the end of the evening. That is undoubtedly why I ended up going back to his flat, and then...not leaving until the next morning. >.<

I'm not ashamed of it, nor do I regret it. *sigh*

I just hope it doesn't turn into a one-night stand.

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Life has stopped making sense [11 Aug 2002|03:16am]
[ mood | confused ]

Perhaps I would've been better off had I not gone. Perhaps I would've learned to deal with not knowing. But I rather don't think so. I just had to try and understand him.

So I after practise I Apparated to Diagon Alley and then walked over to Knockturn Alley. I admit I felt out-of-place - I'd only been there once before, back at school, when a bunch of us snuck off to have a look. Of course, it didn't take long for Lee Jordan's mum to find the lot of us and we got quite the tongue-lashing. But I digress. I warily headed down the street til I came to the Flints' shop, Your Worst Nightmare. I walked in and tried not to notice all manners of nastiness on the shelves, but headed straight back to the counter where he was standing, alone in the shop as luck would have it.

He glared at me, and of course demanded to know why I was there. So I told him.

I told him that I couldn't believe that he wasn't interested. That I was sure he wanted more. He denied it, of course. Said he isn't like that, like me. Well, I yelled a bit, I admit it. And he almost looked afraid of me. I never would have thought that Slytherins were afraid of anything.

He got me mad enough that I ... I asked him out to dinner. At first he was sputtering and saying no, but I called him a coward and he agreed.

So I kissed him this time. And he was sober, and I know he liked it.

So we're having dinner together at the next weekend. And after that, I haven't any idea...

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Well, well, well... [04 Aug 2002|08:39pm]
[ mood | flirty ]

So I went to the Lantern Festival at Hogwarts last evening. It was loads of fun - good food, good drinks and good friends as well as the lanterns. I got to see Harry, the twins, and Percy and his girlfriend, among others. Percy was telling me some interesting information about racing brooms until Fred and George threw a dungbomb at his feet. And I still think Charlie is a bit of a nutter to go off playing with dragons when he could be playing Quidditch.

It was getting late and I wanted to stop in Diagon Alley to check out those brooms Percy had mentioned on my way back to Puddlemere, so I left a bit earlier than most. This resulted in quite an interesting meeting. After checking on a few things in Quality Quidditch Supplies, I headed to the Leaky Cauldron for a drink before going home. And who should I see there but the former Slytherin Quidditch captain, Marcus Flint, who was definitely a bit far into his cups.

I got my drink and went to sit alone at a table, but Flint decided to join me whether I liked it or not. We traded insults for a bit and then were asked to take it outside, which we did. And that's when it got very strange. Flint lurched towards me drunkenly, like he was going to hit me...but he didn't.

He kissed me.

And this wasn't just a peck on the cheek, oh no. This was a full-on snog that went on for a good minute. When we finally came up for air, Flint looked at me like he'd never seen me before, shoved me away and lurched back down Diagon Alley.

I don't know why I didn't see it before - I should've known that Marcus Flint fancied me!

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The Lantern Festival! [31 Jul 2002|11:41pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]

I've been so busy with practise and games that I'd forgotten the Lantern Festival entirely! Luckily we haven't a game this Saturday, so I think I will make the trip back to Hogwarts to see all my mates. It should be great fun - I remember the Lantern Festivals of my Hogwarts years quite fondly! Hope to see you lot there!

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Busy times! [30 Jun 2002|07:58pm]
[ mood | busy ]

Just a quick update...I've been really busy with practise and games. Won a game the other day, which was brilliant. Other than that, things have been good with not much going on.

Well, there is that small matter of a certain former Slytherin trying to make my life hell through this journal thing, but I honestly don't know why he's bothering me. HELLO, WE LEFT SCHOOL! CAN YOU PERHAPS GROW UP AND GET OVER YOUR PETTY LITTLE JEALOUSY?

I'm off to the showers...imagine THAT, if you'd like. ;)

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[26 May 2002|11:49pm]
[ mood | chipper ]

Sorry I don't get much chance to update this, but with the practices things get busy.

I did get to see the awesome Cannons game this weekend - it's always good to check out other teams' strategies and such. Got to see some of my former Hogwarts mates as well, which was brill. Lots of fun...back to working my arse off tomorrow! Love quidditch though - can't ask for a better job.

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A quick hallo! [19 May 2002|09:00pm]
[ mood | chipper ]

I'm posting in from Puddlemere, we don't have another game 'til next weekend, but loads of practice this week. How're you lot doing at Hogwarts? I miss those school days!

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