kat99999 @ 2003-04-27 21:22:00

Weasley Update :-)
Mood: hopeful

This is adorable... George is worried about Fred, Ron is worried about Harry, everyone is worried about everyone and apparently everyone that has gone missing is gay. Aww. The Weasleys are so sweet.

At least we know Fred is about somewhere, possibly in Hogwarts! *sighs with relief*

[Edited to change names around, silly me.]


anjaliesque @ April 27 2003, 13:28:42 UTC

Um. George worried about Fred, I think you mean. Though I suppose it's the other way around too. *refreshes* No, wait. Ouch.

Yes, that's the way, George! Buy him off with food! Don't think it'll work, but it's worth a try...


kat99999 @ April 27 2003, 13:30:56 UTC Re:

Oh, silly me, yes- that's what I meant. I should go edit that, heh.


Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 13:29:48 UTC

I love them! <333333


angerfish @ April 27 2003, 13:39:29 UTC

Hey, guys, _can_ owls even be gay? >:O


anjaliesque @ April 27 2003, 13:50:56 UTC

Well, I know there are occurrences of homosexuality in nature. I don't have any facts, but I'm sure there's someone among us who does. I've never heard of it happening among owls, though.


blue_lightning @ April 27 2003, 13:45:37 UTC *cheers*

Ron and Percy:

Wittiest. Desperation. Banter. EVER.

*shnuggles you both*


anjaliesque @ April 27 2003, 13:53:00 UTC

Wait, Percy? Has he shown up? *wails* What am I missing?!


neveth @ April 27 2003, 13:56:28 UTC

I think he means George.


anjaliesque @ April 27 2003, 13:58:48 UTC

Ah. Okay. All good then. *boggles at thought of Percy engaging in the gay-owl conversation*


neveth @ April 27 2003, 14:00:48 UTC

Indeed. *boggles for a moment* *gets distracted by George's gay joke*


blue_lightning @ April 27 2003, 15:15:58 UTC *beet red*

lol... oh dear. sorry. got caught up in the frantic hi-pitched pace of the storyline. it's george and ron's convo I was talking about. They just have the percyneedsalife thing for their journal name, and in my haste, I must have transposed one name for the other.


Percy, I am retracting my shnuggles for you.


George can have them. I promise they aren't worn out!!


neveth @ April 27 2003, 13:46:12 UTC

Ron's going to have an anuresim(sp?) soon, if SOMEBODY (namely Harry) doesn't show up soon.

Also, Geroge: LAY OFF. >:O




Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 13:49:17 UTC

hee george is getting desperate. 'harry even! he has glasses!' and nice to see the weasley caps-lock language (tm) being put to good use <333


Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 13:51:34 UTC

and also.. 'didn't you always like harry?'
... 0_0


chickadilly @ April 27 2003, 13:50:53 UTC

This whole conversation is amusing me to no end. XD Love the Weasleys. :D


neveth @ April 27 2003, 13:55:07 UTC

[Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<a [...] what?!?!</a>') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]

<a href="http://www.livejournal.com/community/nocturne_alley/129490.html?thread=1046226#t1046226" WHAT?!?!</a>

<i>Please</i> let that just be Ron-confusion, not reality! My mind cannot take the implications of that statement.



neveth @ April 27 2003, 13:58:49 UTC

confusion. confusion bad.. WHEW.

George. <3


anjaliesque @ April 27 2003, 14:02:08 UTC

Why on earth would Ron think that he and Harry would become brothers? Harry is related to Sirius, but how would Ron be related to Lupin? Unless, by mixing up the Remus and Fred discovery, he's thinking that Sirius and Fred are getting married. *boggles* Um, yeah, he really does need to sleep. :D


moonlitpages @ April 27 2003, 14:13:15 UTC

Hmm I thought Ron was referring to the Fred/Harry remark, and then just got himself confused. *laughs*
