neveth @ 2003-04-29 18:36:00

(no title)
A guard, eh Remus?

Hmm. perhaps for Draco?

*would apply, but is, alas, a muggle*


woolf @ April 29 2003, 16:38:55 UTC

Can I be the first to volunteer for the duty?


trowa @ April 29 2003, 16:40:06 UTC

I want to see Harry volunteer.


neveth @ April 29 2003, 16:41:28 UTC

Me too. However unlikely that may be. wah.


blankcanvas @ April 29 2003, 16:52:30 UTC

I want to see Ron volunteer. Not because I ship R/D, but because it would probably be really funny. I can see Ron thinking it's Harry he's volunteering to escort. But what a surprise he'd be in for. :)


Anonymous @ April 30 2003, 00:01:57 UTC

I'm all for the H/D love, but as matters stand now?

1. Draco would never accept it.

2. If he volunteered, Harry might as well take the remnants of his pride, wad them up into a little ball and throw it into the lake. I'f like a Harry with at least some pretentions to self-respect.


blankcanvas @ April 29 2003, 16:41:11 UTC

I hope so. Without an escort, Draco would get lynched. The question is, who would volunteer if they knew it was him? Pansy, maybe?


shusu @ April 29 2003, 16:43:52 UTC

He'd best make nice with Millicent.....


blankcanvas @ April 29 2003, 16:50:12 UTC

Haha, seriously. But actually, I think Millicent's a little busy with Boot for the time being. ;)


neveth @ April 29 2003, 16:45:01 UTC


Blargh. I tried 3 times to write an intelligible responce to that and failed miserably. *wibble


blankcanvas @ April 29 2003, 16:57:53 UTC

"Indeed" is intelligible. :)


eponis @ April 29 2003, 17:04:41 UTC

Maybe this is crazy, but do you think that Harry would try to get his friends to volunteer? I can totally see Harry reading something like that, thinking about Draco getting beaten up, and feeling almost guilty for putting him in that situation. He is, after all, the person who originally restrained Ron et al. from attacking Draco in the first place.

Am I being over-optimistic about Harry? Feeling bad for Draco certainly doesn't preclude being hurt and upset.

But aside from him? I could see M.B. volunteering to "guard" him, out of amusement, and maybe dragging Boot along, but beyond them and Pansy . . .


blankcanvas @ April 29 2003, 17:15:29 UTC

Oh, I never thought of that. Huh. Well, if Harry asks his friends to escort Draco... do you really think they'd be able to hold themselves back when Harry's not there?

Well, Harry still likes Draco, doesn't he? Doesn't Ron say that a little after Draco makes THE POST? Harry's hurt and all but... I think he'd want to help potterstinks more than he'd want to hurt him. After all, he's Harry.

I don't really think I could see Millicent guarding him. I think she's still a little angry at Draco for making THE POST. I could be wrong though.


eponis @ April 29 2003, 17:22:45 UTC

Oh, I certainly don't think M.B. would guard Draco out of the goodness of her heart and the depth of their friendship. ::grin:: Rather, I think that if I were M.B., the idea of being the only thing standing between Draco and an angry mob would be perversely appealing, most especially because Draco would hate it. Of course, me not being M.B., she may prefer to toy with - ahem, date - Boot instead.


blankcanvas @ April 29 2003, 17:35:06 UTC

This is true. :)


ex_meiko437 @ April 29 2003, 22:02:13 UTC

your icon makes me SQUEE my pants.


neveth @ April 29 2003, 16:48:29 UTC

er. I'm getting visions of hogwarts students dressed as Batman after the "Vigilante justice" statement. *blink blink*


woolf @ April 29 2003, 16:52:00 UTC

Now that would be a slash!


sparkyred @ April 29 2003, 17:18:35 UTC

And guess what theme song is now stuck in my head.



imochan @ April 29 2003, 21:24:34 UTC

Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na... DRACO!

forgot how many nas there were. -_- going to bed


notapipe @ April 29 2003, 20:13:09 UTC

Well, Harry fits the MO, doesn't he? Wealthy bachelor with a large inheritance from his dead parents by day and all that.

*pictures Harry in Frank Miller's Batman: Year One, finds it hilarious*


Anonymous @ April 30 2003, 00:03:41 UTC

Batman! <333333333


luleh @ April 29 2003, 17:16:15 UTC

But didn't Draco go to classes today? Was he attacked? Or maybe the escort is for someone else?


blankcanvas @ April 29 2003, 17:33:37 UTC

But who else would it be for? I can't really think of anyone else who would need it.


non_inferno @ April 29 2003, 17:45:36 UTC

Colin? He's been getting just a few threats from the Weasleys recently, and he is more the type who would need an escort than Draco.


Anonymous @ April 29 2003, 18:06:49 UTC

I see that nobody has replied to Remus' call for volunteers so far and therefore suggest that if he can't find anyone to do the job pro bono, he should enlist the aid of professional escort services.


notapipe @ April 29 2003, 20:14:29 UTC

I don't think they'd need that kind of an escort.


nightshade24 @ April 29 2003, 21:40:22 UTC

