vellum @ 2003-06-07 22:38:00

(no title)
Mood: envious

i want a padma bracelet, too.

lisa's. narcissa's.

who do i have to kill to get one?


vintagesex @ June 7 2003, 22:41:31 UTC

Oh, I want a Padma bracelet too! They're so pretty.


vellum @ June 7 2003, 22:47:42 UTC

i'm not sure if i'm supposed to be doing this but if you go here: you see all the pics. and i want mandy's.


vintagesex @ June 7 2003, 22:55:15 UTC

:O Mandy's bracelet is gorgeous!

Time to stalk Mandy for bracelet... ^__^


vellum @ June 7 2003, 22:58:48 UTC

::starts stalking::


vintagesex @ June 7 2003, 22:59:58 UTC

*stalks faster and runs away with bracelet*

You have two! :P


vellum @ June 7 2003, 23:01:39 UTC

::chases after you:: must have all!

btw, is the mood theme pic at the top of this page bucky katt or something else?


vintagesex @ June 7 2003, 23:04:12 UTC

*hides behind notapipe's car>*

Hehe, aww, yeah it is!


vellum @ June 7 2003, 23:07:14 UTC

::prods you with a ten foot electrical cattle prod and tries to stay away from notapipe at the same time::



vintagesex @ June 7 2003, 23:09:59 UTC

Meep! *steals Harry's invisibility cloak and hides under it* ^___^ No one can see meee, I'm a sekrit.


vellum @ June 7 2003, 23:14:07 UTC

::accio's mandy's bracelet::

and my icon! ::squees!::


vintagesex @ June 7 2003, 23:15:10 UTC

No! *tackles you!*

My bracelet! Mine!


vellum @ June 7 2003, 23:16:36 UTC



vintagesex @ June 7 2003, 23:21:29 UTC


*steals back bracelet!*


notapipe @ June 7 2003, 22:45:07 UTC

Lisa Turpin or Narcissa Malfoy. Duh.


vellum @ June 7 2003, 22:46:00 UTC

done and done. ::shows off new bracelets::


notapipe @ June 7 2003, 22:47:14 UTC

Thank you. You've made my job only half as hard.

Hand over the braclets and no one gets hurt.


vellum @ June 7 2003, 22:48:04 UTC

::runs for the hills::


notapipe @ June 7 2003, 22:53:26 UTC

*gets in a car and catches up in no time*

*rolls down window* Hand over the braclets and no one gets hurt.


vellum @ June 7 2003, 22:55:25 UTC


::stuffs bracelets in bra::


notapipe @ June 7 2003, 23:12:20 UTC

Look, stuffing them in your bra won't save you from being shot.


vellum @ June 7 2003, 23:15:36 UTC oh SHIT



::accio's the invisibility cloak vintagesex's using::

i'm invisible!

::runs for mommy::


vintagesex @ June 7 2003, 23:22:07 UTC Re: oh SHIT


My cloak. Wibble.


vellum @ June 7 2003, 23:24:42 UTC

i'll barter you one invisibility cloak for one purdy bracelet.


vintagesex @ June 7 2003, 23:26:44 UTC

*mutters* invisibility cloak... purdy bracelet. invisibility cloak... purdy bracelet...

So conflicted.

*runs away with bracelet anyway*


vellum @ June 7 2003, 23:27:31 UTC

::chases after you with gigantic cattle prod::


vintagesex @ June 7 2003, 23:31:12 UTC

:O *steals notapipe's car!"



notapipe @ June 7 2003, 23:32:20 UTC

*is still in the car, dummy*

*grabs the braclet and guns it*


vintagesex @ June 7 2003, 23:34:09 UTC

Curses! My plan was perfect!

*tries to grab bracelet* Mine!!111!1


notapipe @ June 7 2003, 23:35:06 UTC

*is starting to lose control of the car as he grabs for the braclet* Let go or we both die!


vintagesex @ June 7 2003, 23:38:20 UTC


You let go!



notapipe @ June 7 2003, 23:39:34 UTC

*lets go of braclet, pulls gun*

Okay then. You can die for the braclet. We'll see who blinks first.


vintagesex @ June 7 2003, 23:43:38 UTC

O.O *eye twitches*


notapipe @ June 7 2003, 23:44:49 UTC

*smiles, raises eyebrows*

*hand gets shaky*


vintagesex @ June 7 2003, 23:48:24 UTC

*follows vellum's example and stuffs bracelet into bra!*

*hides behind hand* Wah, don't shoot! vellum has two!!


notapipe @ June 7 2003, 23:50:15 UTC

Yes, but I can't exactly see her.

Then again, I can't exactly see the truck that we're playing chicken with either. Tick tock, tick tock.


vellum @ June 7 2003, 23:56:09 UTC

::underneath invisibility cloak, walks away not-whistling::


notapipe @ June 7 2003, 23:58:36 UTC

*is momentarily distracted by non-whistling and lowers gun* CURSE YOU AND YOUR UN-LOCATABLE NON-WHISTLING vellum!

*crashes into truck*



vellum @ June 8 2003, 00:01:09 UTC mwahahahahaha!


::pokes vintagesex::



vintagesex @ June 8 2003, 00:07:55 UTC Re: mwahahahahaha!

Ah, damn. That means I die too.



vellum @ June 8 2003, 00:08:54 UTC Re: mwahahahahaha!

purdy bracelet tally: 3.

::does a little invisible dance::


notapipe @ June 8 2003, 00:11:41 UTC Tragedy: generally speaking you've gone as far as you can go when it's gotten as bad as it can get

*comes back from the dead as an undead zombie and eats vellum's brains*


vellum @ June 8 2003, 00:12:24 UTC i guess.

ah crap.


bookshop @ June 8 2003, 20:33:49 UTC Re: Tragedy: generally speaking you've gone as far as you can go when it's gotten as bad as it can g

I see you are all are staunchly following the 'no off-topic threads' requests.


vellum @ June 8 2003, 20:38:26 UTC ?

is this a big oops?


notapipe @ June 8 2003, 20:48:45 UTC But of course

I would point out that the thread is about how much vellum and the rest of us want a padma braclet, but I'm afraid that might be a "snide comment".


bookshop @ June 8 2003, 21:20:18 UTC Re: But of course

as the whole thread has the barest minimum to do with NA, it looks off-topic to me.


notapipe @ June 7 2003, 23:28:10 UTC curses

And I would have succeeded too! if it weren't for you meddling kids.


vellum @ June 7 2003, 23:33:08 UTC Re: curses

well, the next time padma gives one out, you can kill for it as well, and join the "i killed for pretty bracelets club". :D vintagesex stole your car, btw. :D:D:D she has a pretty bracelet, too.


notapipe @ June 7 2003, 23:33:47 UTC Re: curses

I'm still in the car. She's not good at stealing cars.


vintagesex @ June 7 2003, 23:35:28 UTC Re: curses

You evil, scheming person, you!


notapipe @ June 7 2003, 23:37:26 UTC Re: curses

Flattery will get you nowhere, my dear.


dragynville @ June 7 2003, 22:47:42 UTC

Oooo.. I like Narcissa's! ::wants:: ;_;


vellum @ June 7 2003, 22:49:23 UTC

they are so pretty. ::wants::


luleh @ June 7 2003, 23:29:41 UTC

Har har, this is me doing the usual "A cigar is NEVER a cigar" thing that is common to many an NA fan...

But..anyone think there is anything special about these bracelets? What that might be, I have no clue. But, uh, Lisa's has a heart and maybe it's meant to help her in love...*reaching* and er, Narcissa's has flowers (might they be actual, whatever the plural is?) and...well...

Right. I suppose I'll have to see if she makes more bracelets.

But regardless of hidden meaning, they're quite pretty. I like Lisa's especially.


vellum @ June 7 2003, 23:36:36 UTC

i just googled and dictionaried it: narcissi are white.

but yeah, i do think they're a plot line.


notapipe @ June 7 2003, 23:38:45 UTC

Perhaps they're a secret mind control device? And Padma is actually Neville in Polyjuice? Honestly, how can this become plot?


luleh @ June 7 2003, 23:40:18 UTC


They're charmed in some way?




notapipe @ June 7 2003, 23:43:44 UTC

Gives a new meaning to charm braclet, certianly. But I mean, besides the evil, what would they be charmed to do? Turn everyone into a male so the whole thing goes slash? Blow up on 2004/08/16?


luleh @ June 7 2003, 23:47:03 UTC Er....



notapipe @ June 7 2003, 23:48:25 UTC Re: Er....

From what?


luleh @ June 7 2003, 23:50:47 UTC Re: Er....

Evil Neville, of course!

*firm nod*


notapipe @ June 7 2003, 23:59:52 UTC Re: Er....

Why would Padma suspect him? She specifically mentioned to Neville that he's welcome in the Library whenever way back when, post evil accusation. And she's not exactly a Slytherin...


luleh @ June 8 2003, 00:06:30 UTC Re: Er....

But she's a Ravenclaw and they're clever and stuff.

Seriously though, I have no decent reason for wondering why the bracelets could be important. I was just reading NA and noticed that she made the bracelets for Narcissa and Lisa and I said "Hmmmm..." and that's about it. Any serious speculation as to any meaning they might have beyond being just gifts is beyond me.


notapipe @ June 8 2003, 00:13:13 UTC Re: Er....

But she didn't realize he was evil before, and I'm saying she probably didn't invite him to keep her enemies closer.

Technically, I did the same thing. I was mainly hoping you'd have a good reason for it. Because I want one.


theantimodel @ June 8 2003, 00:09:19 UTC Re: Er....

Just stopping in to say: I am loving the hats!

Bloom is just so ridiculously hot.


vintagesex @ June 7 2003, 23:52:56 UTC Re: Er....

nEVILle! :D!


vellum @ June 7 2003, 23:57:33 UTC Re: Er....

unless, of course, neville gets a bracelet as well.

::cocks gun::


vintagesex @ June 7 2003, 23:58:58 UTC Re: Er....

I want Neville bracelet, it'll be evil and cooool. ^__^


notapipe @ June 8 2003, 00:00:52 UTC Re: Er....

Oh, so you're just braclet hoarders. Why can't you let me have the one thing in my life I ever wanted?


vellum @ June 8 2003, 00:04:30 UTC

::does not feel guilty at ALL::



vellum @ June 7 2003, 23:42:27 UTC

teenage girl jealousy? bribery for her sister to eat?


kat99999 @ June 8 2003, 03:21:00 UTC

I'm thinking... NA merchandise? Heeh! I love Lisa's bracelet, it's so purdy!


anjaliesque @ June 8 2003, 07:30:53 UTC

Myself, I like Cho's 'Love Conquers All' bracelet. I'd kill for one in gold. Asian girls have styyyyle. :)


vellum @ June 8 2003, 14:16:36 UTC

is that what is says? kewwl.
