jgoreham @ 2003-06-18 00:43:00

Mood: dorky

Ok, so, seamus_f's user icon where he's laying in the clover? Well, my monitor's really piss-poor, and it's only now, after about 5 minutes of squinting, that I've realized that it's a fella laying in clover. On my monitor, it looks like the world's WORST DRIVER'S LISCENCE PHOTO EVER.

That's what it is, right? Right?

Why am I still up? >_


vintagesex @ June 17 2003, 21:04:28 UTC



luxuryrevenge @ Deleted Deleted



jgoreham @ June 17 2003, 21:19:45 UTC

Still looks like the world's worst photo id pic on this monitor when I'm there at the site lookin' at the real one...


squigeon @ June 17 2003, 23:38:55 UTC

I always thought he looked like a half-drowned salamander in that pic. No offense to Seamus of course, but it's not the most flattering pic of him to me, either.


dragynville @ June 18 2003, 00:23:42 UTC

I thought it was a dead guy the first time I saw it. *cough* ^^;

But I really like the "B&W" one! Very stunning! :D


dry_your_eyes @ June 18 2003, 02:04:06 UTC

I still think he looks like a drowned man

I've been always thinking it indicated his 'i wish i were dead!' mood :)


jgoreham @ June 18 2003, 06:45:43 UTC

The black and white one is very nice =)

I'm surprised how many other people dind't really know what it was supposed to look like! I feel less stupid now.


anjaliesque @ June 18 2003, 04:48:52 UTC


CLOVER!!!1 I GET IT!!!!11 :D :D

I feel so ashamed for not seeing that before. I thought of it as the Dead!Seamus picture, and didn't tell anyone of my ignorance. You're so brave. <3
