caten @ 2003-10-26 02:01:00

(no title)
Mood: confused

I was just wondering, did we ever find out who the head boy is?


everythingisaid @ October 25 2003, 17:08:18 UTC

No, and doesn't it make you crazy?


caten @ October 25 2003, 17:12:06 UTC

Yes, it drives me insane. I want to know! So, I've been pretending I'm a good detective and have come up with a theory. It could be Blaise. If you look at his memories, he has one of turpinol's entries about this head boy in his memories, under 'enimy' (which I presume is enemy) Just a hunch.


aposiopeses @ October 26 2003, 01:17:55 UTC

I don't think it's Blaise. Can't remember why.


luna_lg @ October 25 2003, 18:49:47 UTC

It does! I honestly suspect either Blaise or Ernie--definitely the latter!!


pornography @ October 25 2003, 20:11:28 UTC

I'm betting is a Hufflepuff, and I hope we find out soon because the suspense is killing me :/


handful @ October 25 2003, 20:29:15 UTC

I'd say it's Blaise, but that would confirm gender, so there goes that.

*lesigh* It's maddening. Utterly maddening.


Anonymous @ October 25 2003, 21:07:11 UTC

I wonder if we ever will find out.


Anonymous @ October 26 2003, 02:15:06 UTC

Talking about unsolved mysteries-- WHAT WAS ALL THIS PORTRAITS-IN-MALFOY-MANOR-thing all about?!?!!?


neveth @ October 27 2003, 11:12:13 UTC

I submit my canidate for Head Boy Possibilities - Justin Flinch-Fletchly.

Think about it. He's barely posted, he's ALWAYS thinking people are out to get him, and he's Hufflepuff.
