intern_alley @ 2004-03-26 15:53:00

Mood: irritated

I'm not sure whether or not this is actually important, but FYI, all emails are down at the moment and so are most files on it. I just renewed the domain and it's been wonky all week consequentially. So, um, no worry? There hasn't been another hacking or anything. And if you are emailing anyone and not getting a reply that is why (it's been this way for like a freaking week). Just filling y'all in.


tabiji @ March 26 2004, 16:36:55 UTC

I was wondering what was going on with the posted scans, etc. How annoying.


intern_alley @ March 26 2004, 16:45:34 UTC

*insert vaguely irritated Lavender-type faces*


tabiji @ March 26 2004, 16:50:38 UTC

Psst... are you the mod I talked to about the thing with the thing for the thing?

*floundering without email*


intern_alley @ March 26 2004, 17:09:33 UTC

*suddenly has to go to a meeting*


tabiji @ March 26 2004, 17:15:51 UTC

B-b-but I have all these pre-orders from people that want to get the naked player pin-up-calendars! ;))
