kenboy @ 2004-04-03 15:52:00

the icons...
Mood: embarrassed

This may have been covered at some point before, but, still:

Has anyone ever done (or could some folks consider doing, like, in comments on this post) a listing of which character icons belong to which "real life" people?

Obviously, Ron, Hermione, Harry, Draco -- those sorts are clear.

And I know Narcissa is using Uma Thurmann, for instance, but I'll bet some readers don't know that, and would be too embarrassed to ask about it -- but some of the others -- Turpinol, for instance, whose icons are damned cute -- who on earth is that? And what about M.B.?


taradiane @ April 3 2004, 21:03:06 UTC

Millicent uses an American comedian named Janeane Garafalo...whose brand of humour is absolutely perfect for Millicent.


kenboy @ April 3 2004, 21:10:52 UTC

You know, I'd suspected that was Janeane. I should have gone and looked at her icons before I used Millicent as an example.

From just the top left corner of her face, it's difficut to tell.


portkey @ April 3 2004, 21:08:40 UTC

Very off-topic: I'd say I love your icon, but I want Brian all for myself. He's awesome.

Somewhat on-topic: I think it's a nifty idea, and there are some I'm particular curious about, myself.. Lisa, as you said, and Seamus have both piqued my curiosity.


pokethegeek @ April 3 2004, 21:16:49 UTC

I think I've seen the girl Lisa uses somewhere but I can't remember where and it really bugs me ): this should be in the next Q&A session!


kenboy @ April 3 2004, 21:19:03 UTC Gasp.

We have Q&A sessions?

Not the things where we ask the characters things (which are hilarious), but actual Q&A where the players talk about that sort of thing?

How meta. I cannot wait.


pokethegeek @ April 3 2004, 21:26:26 UTC Re: Gasp.

nononono! we dont ! but if we have, this is the sort of question that should come up! eep! I would LOVE a Q&A session, I havent been around long enough to actually talk to the players.. oh man, I'm in the mood for NA right now! blah.


sistermagpie @ April 4 2004, 01:06:52 UTC Re: Gasp.

Just making sure--you have seen the logs of the Q&A sessions we did have, right? They are listed under nraged memories under Q&A's and they're all fabulous. Lisa didn't do one, though, but who knows, maybe we'll get one in the future!


pokethegeek @ April 4 2004, 01:08:18 UTC Re: Gasp.

I've seen SOME of it (there's TONS of good stuff I still need to go through) and haven't yet had the time to go thourgh the rest yet..


pirateship @ April 3 2004, 21:27:44 UTC

Lots of them use images that are from's Creative section. I know some of Luna's old icons were, and Ginny's where she has braids and is looking to the left, and I suspect that's where Seamus gets his, too! :>


vassilissa @ April 4 2004, 03:36:49 UTC

Cool, thanks! I love the picture of Ginny with the braids.


bobbery @ April 3 2004, 21:33:17 UTC

I know Lisa was found in an online ad promoting cell phones or pizza or something like that. It was mentioned in this community once upon a time.

Like someone else said, I'm sure quite a few of the icons are from gettysimages.


pirateship @ April 3 2004, 21:38:20 UTC

Oh man, that just reminded me! Last year for Christmas my step-grandmother gave me a Bible (uh, wtf) called the EXTREME NEW TESTAMENT! And on the front thre are pictures of a bunch of kids, and one of them is finch_fletchley's old icon! :))))


kenboy @ April 3 2004, 22:34:38 UTC

Mmm, yes, the Extreme New Testament. I remember the controversy when that came out, especially the bit about Jesus snowboarding down Karn Hattin after delivering the Sermon on the Mount.


hezzabeth @ April 4 2004, 03:14:46 UTC

His old Icon was also on the front page of the UWS magazine last year, it must be a common used image.


Anonymous @ April 3 2004, 23:03:24 UTC

It was pizza, but I took the icon down because of it, actually. :D Not because I was all offended that people found it, but because I was like, Great, now Lisa is in a Pizza Hut advert.

So anyway, that's not actually the same girl.


bobbery @ April 4 2004, 06:42:58 UTC

That hat icon is gone! *mourns its passing*

I didn't think it was the same girl, but then again the hat got in the way, so I was never really sure.


anjaliesque @ April 3 2004, 23:53:13 UTC There is definitely something enchanting about Lisa.

Yep, you can find quite a few of Parvati's by searching keyword "sari" under Getty Images' Creative section. :)) They're quite pretty.


a_player @ April 4 2004, 02:28:38 UTC

Hahahaha, darn. I think I used "indian teenage girl black hair" or something far too lengthy. I rage at your simple search word.


anjaliesque @ April 4 2004, 04:39:31 UTC



bluekivrin @ April 4 2004, 01:04:22 UTC

To add to the semi-embarrassing question, I am wondering from where Ginny's icon set comes. I'm a redhead too, and I adore the images. Were they drawn by someone? Are they at all up for reproduction?


a_player @ April 4 2004, 01:05:30 UTC

Ginny's player drew them, in Photoshop, actually.


bluekivrin @ April 4 2004, 01:06:05 UTC

They're lovely. Wonderful job!


vassilissa @ April 4 2004, 03:35:10 UTC

I'm curious about one of Ginny's icons.

And I'm curious about why Cho has icons from two different characters in CTHD. It throws me.


Anonymous @ April 4 2004, 13:50:52 UTC

Lisa is in brochures for Wespac, an Australian bank. See here


pornography @ April 5 2004, 04:20:52 UTC

I knew I'd seen that picture somewhere before! :)


comava @ April 4 2004, 15:32:00 UTC

Luna is using Scarlett Johanson, which makes me squee, but then that was discussed before.

Someone tell me who that is in Terry's icons!


greenapricot @ April 4 2004, 17:50:57 UTC

Totally with you on the Scarlett squee.

Terry's trousers icon always makes me think or Trent Reznor. No idea if that's who it is though.


Anonymous @ April 6 2004, 08:20:45 UTC

i'm positive i've seen his picture on ( before.


jheaton @ April 4 2004, 20:01:11 UTC

I spotted hannahabbott's default icon the other day in an ad for In fact, the same photo can be seen in the banner at the top of the home page.
