lowi @ 2003-03-29 09:50:00

Well, Draco isn't ignoring him completely...

Take a look at the two last memories added at userinfopotterstinks Memorable Why Potter should not have lived. Posts page...

At least he seems to find the comments memorable... *giggles*


metaphoracle @ March 29 2003, 01:05:36 UTC

Someone explain to me how this fits under the heading "The Start of a new sexual Era" in the "Why Potter should not have lived" category, hmm?

I'm afraid the answer is just way too obvious. And that's SO unlike Potterstinks, who works everyone up to think that something really BIG AND LIFE CHANGING happened when it was something small.


Anonymous @ March 29 2003, 02:24:33 UTC

Potterstinks, who works everyone up to think that something really BIG AND LIFE CHANGING happened when it was something small.

Maybe that's the pattern we should be thinking of...


Anonymous @ March 29 2003, 01:58:42 UTC

The first one (http://www.livejournal.com/talkread.bml?journal=potterstinks&itemid=12283) says as much if not more for me than the obvious one, basically admitting that he spent the night with just_harry (and practically confirming the Harry Potter interpretation of the last line of that entry).


darklites @ March 29 2003, 02:02:12 UTC

Indeed! There's no mention of Harry in the post itself, so if something hadn't happened it would not fit at all underneath the 'Why Potter should not have lived' category. And the "charitable nature" comment says a damn lot, as if he were speaking about himself it would obviously not be charity.

*waits in deeper anticipation*


Anonymous @ March 29 2003, 02:05:36 UTC

Plus, did you notice that it's also under his Proof of my many stalkers (http://www.livejournal.com/tools/memories.bml?user=potterstinks&keyword=Proof+of+my+many+stalkers.&filter=all) memories? (a curious memory topic, as he could probably make a very large "proof of my one (ex?)stalkee" memory list of almost everything just_harry has ever posted)


darklites @ March 29 2003, 02:10:59 UTC

Haha, no, I hadn't seen it yet. This simply shows how deep his obsession still goes. Just, y'know, the denial is still in the way. *grumbles* Something huge has got to happen in order to knock him out of it. And what conventionally follows a large bout of denial? Anyone know anything about such psychology??


milenalupin @ March 29 2003, 02:32:11 UTC

enlightening and cute puppy love? *looks innocently*


darklites @ March 29 2003, 03:45:05 UTC

I wish. Until then I shall just have to wallow in the angst. I really miss the days when Harry would call Draco spineless little piss, heehee.


milenalupin @ March 29 2003, 06:13:36 UTC

Instead potterstinks is back on the non-pureblood bashing road. Wonder what he's trying to tell us. Stupid, he is. *shakes head*


Anonymous @ March 29 2003, 14:48:20 UTC

Evalution of the Slytherin female body (http://www.livejournal.com/talkread.bml?journal=potterstinks&itemid=13472) is under potter as well now too. Pansy needs to give his journal a makeover too.
