lazy_daze @ 2004-06-29 14:06:00

(no title)
Mood: <3


it's a beautifu, sad post. she has eft some things behind


adolfa @ June 29 2004, 13:05:11 UTC

Wtf? Better fix the link there.


lazy_daze @ June 29 2004, 13:08:38 UTC

Whoops :> thankee.


jiffy_spiffy @ June 29 2004, 13:15:53 UTC

Hooray, she woke up!

I hope she gets better though. I'd rather she didn't leave thing behind. ::frets for her::


tjstein @ June 29 2004, 14:46:26 UTC

"L" key broken?

Welcome back from your out-of-body experience, Luna!


dr_jekyl @ June 29 2004, 14:46:44 UTC

Yay Luna! It would seem that sistermagpie was right the other day because she got a caught up with the other side.


sistermagpie @ June 29 2004, 21:35:33 UTC

*gives self gold star*

:-D Yay Luna!!!


jacay @ June 29 2004, 14:47:00 UTC

She left an L in coloured. Perhaps she did that on purpose, however.

Oh, god, I'm so glad Luna woke up. I was worried for Ginny. Hurrah for Luna!!!


wedneswolf @ June 30 2004, 00:35:13 UTC

And then (unless I'm completely mad) she edited the post at some point to add the bit about the Whomping Willow, and left the 'L's in that as well. I think it's just oversight on the player's part, but if it is indeed intentional, I wonder what the significance may be.


vassilissa @ June 29 2004, 15:11:41 UTC

Oh the poor ove. I'm so gad she's back.


Anonymous @ June 30 2004, 01:29:52 UTC

Ron's green thumbs-up in that thread is killing me (in the good way), in light of his exchange with Draco.

Also, calling Neville 'Nevie' is just adorable. Bess you, una.
