a_player @ 2004-09-09 12:39:00

Mood: not!insane!

Okay! MY TURN!

Ask ask ask.


devilzzz @ September 9 2004, 16:58:14 UTC


1) How did you first discover Nocturne Alley?
2) How do you and the whole Weasley family players get along?
3) What are your feelings concerning the end of the game?
4) Do you have red hair yourself?:D


a_player @ October 25 2004, 07:08:16 UTC Charie's Player BETTER LATE THAN NEVER

By accident! I think it was a link via a friend.

I got on fairly well with all the Weasley players.




tacks @ Deleted Deleted



a_player @ October 25 2004, 07:09:25 UTC Charlie's Player!

Favourite Charlie moment? Um ALL OF THEM. No really. He didn't have much to say but when he did I adored him.

Ron's poetry was brought to you by crack.

Charlie loved Remus. He still does.


exprophet @ September 9 2004, 17:51:13 UTC

I loved Charlie. I loved how you played him. To me, Charlie just added so much to the sheer frenetic nature of the Weasleys.

Was there ever anything you or Charlie very much wanted to do, but never did, for whatever reason? Or say? And who to?


a_player @ October 25 2004, 07:09:48 UTC

Charlie would have liked to have kept Remus for his very own but he knows someone came first.


luna_lg @ September 9 2004, 17:57:28 UTC

CHARLIE!!! *glomptacklehug* ^__________^ <3<3<3

Okay, fangirl moment has passed...

So--Charlie/Seamus: How far did it go, and how did he feel about our lil Irish wonder after the summer of 03--I mean, 97?


a_player @ October 25 2004, 07:10:24 UTC


(Heh. They did it, and they were fond of each other, but Charlie's problem is that he was always too late to the party.)


sistermagpie @ September 9 2004, 18:18:52 UTC

Ooh! Charlie. :-) :-( :-) :-(

I have no words for that attack. Poor Charlie. I'll bet he was a real hero.

I think we were recently talking about Charlie as Rebound!Guy. Do you have any feelings on that? Can you tell us anything about his different relationships with Remus, Seamus and Cho?

Ginny wasn't happy about having Cho and Charlie visit together--what were Charlie's thoughts on that? I mean, he did wind up with his little sister's girlfriend for a while!

Charlie seemed to sort of radiate health and handsomness and fun. Did he have a dark side?

How did Charlie feel about Molly's worries about producing all these gay/bi children?

What do you think Charlie would have liked to have said to his loved ones if he could, after the attack? Was there anyone he would have really regretted not being able to speak with again in terms of leaving things on a bad note or anything like that?

Do you have an idea of what Charlie experiences in St. Mungo's? Does he know when Seamus is talking to him or Molly is combing his hair? Does anyone else come to visit we might be surprised by?

Can you tell us anything about the attack? You're the first character so far who was actually there. Was Charlie there the whole time, or did he walk in in the middle?

And now I've become all sad again. Poor Weasleys. *waves Charlie flag*


a_player @ October 25 2004, 07:11:59 UTC

Charlie was so rebound-guy.

Now, he THOUGHT he fancied Cho, but it never really happened. Not really.

There was no dark side to Charlie. He was a happy guy. They do exist!

Charlie would have just liked to make his mum not cry anymore by waking up and saying hello.

He knows people are there. Sort of.

I don't really know much about the actual attack! Sorry!


missgeneva @ September 9 2004, 18:56:40 UTC

Would there have been the tiniest, slimmest, most miniscule chance of a Charlie recovery had the game gone on?


a_player @ October 25 2004, 07:12:22 UTC

I would hope so! But unless Neville's parents recovered too it would not have been fair.


digitalmeowmix2 @ September 10 2004, 01:24:02 UTC

1.what was your reaction to the attack on the weasleys?

2.did you mourn for your character?


a_player @ October 25 2004, 07:12:34 UTC

1. :-(

2. :-( :-( :-(


digitalmeowmix2 @ October 25 2004, 23:41:43 UTC

and that says it all....


nannyo @ September 10 2004, 08:52:48 UTC

Loved the Charlie, loved him so!
Can you tell us a little more about Charlie's relationship with Ron and the Twins?
He seemed to be a very good big-brother, especially when there was coming out, or possible coming out going on, and I liked that even though he was jokey and full of gentle teasing, there was this calm serious side that he offered.


a_player @ October 25 2004, 07:13:29 UTC

Charlie loves his ickle brothers. He loves them and respects them and thinks they're idiots and he always wanted to be tall like Ron and funny like the Twins. They were just brothers, in the purest sense of the word.

Charlie was not complicated!


comava @ September 10 2004, 21:22:15 UTC

Charlie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^

I loved the Seamus/Charlie interaction. What happened (or didn't happen) with Cho that made them start up again?

*loffs you*


a_player @ October 25 2004, 07:13:49 UTC

Nothing happened with Cho! Charlie thought about it, but then decided NAAAAH.



ratsel @ Deleted Deleted



a_player @ October 25 2004, 07:13:56 UTC



hachi_08 @ September 11 2004, 21:02:14 UTC

Your icon is awesome! I'm not sure if this question is answerable, but I will ask anyway. Since Charlie posted through the wehaveseven account, did you have a connection to the Weasley parents' player? Were you the same person playing both, or did you have an arrangement with said player to share the LJ account.

*sends so much love*


a_player @ October 25 2004, 07:14:16 UTC

It was a shared account because SO MANY WEASLEYS.


hachi_08 @ October 25 2004, 15:51:05 UTC

And we loved each and every one of you. <3

Thank you so much for getting back to me on my question!


jacay @ September 17 2004, 00:54:20 UTC

When did Charlie discover he was gay? What were his reactions to so many of his siblings being gay?

How do you feel about all of his referring to him in the past tense?

What were Charlie's plans for the future?

How did Charlie really feel about Seamus, and how would he feel now about Seamus?

Why did Charlie get involved with dragons in the first place?

Is there anything in particular that you remember about NA?


a_player @ October 25 2004, 07:16:10 UTC

Charlie knew he was gay from the time he was at Hogwarts and he messed about with some fellows from the Quidditch team. He thinks it's something in the water at Otter St Catchpole or maybe his mum drank a bit of Butterbeer while pregnant? I mean SO MANY GAY WEASLEYS.


He wanted to raise dragons and bring them back to England.

He was fond of Seamus but knew better than to let it be more than that. He learnt that lesson the hard way.

Charlie just liked dragons, and then someone saw him fly at a Quidditch match and said, Come fly with dragons, and he said ALL RIGHT!

Everything. :-)


Anonymous @ September 17 2004, 12:21:08 UTC

I'd "ask ask ask," but it seems like you're not willing to "answer answer answer." :(


luna_lg @ September 19 2004, 23:44:45 UTC

He'll get around to it, don't worry! ^^ I'm sure he has a busy schedule outside of the Web.


a_player @ October 25 2004, 07:16:31 UTC


I moved states :-( and was VERY BUSY.


tabiji @ September 23 2004, 11:02:49 UTC

Hi Charlie's player!

For the NA t-shirts, what are your favorite quotes from your own character, and any other NA characters?



a_player @ October 25 2004, 07:17:01 UTC

Oh! I don't know!

