orpheusinjapan @ 2008-06-15 22:50:00

Problem with link

Sorry, if you click on the previous link it adds a "www." to the beginning. 

Try the following or just type it into your browser.


To download the file, click on the little down arrow next to the file size (4MB). 


black_dog @ June 17 2008, 07:25:04 UTC

This is great! Downloaded and unzipped with no problem, and so far I've re-read the first chunk of May -- very nostalgic. :)

I like the way you've formatted it, easy to follow the multiple threads (I'm curious to see how it works with some of the huge threads later on.)

Also, how cool is it that you've stuck in some of the pictures? A ghoulish pleasure to see the run-over easter bunny and dissected!Trevor . . .



orpheusinjapan @ June 17 2008, 16:33:42 UTC

Thanks for the feedback. I wasn't sure how others would find the formatting. I've learned that what works for my brain often doesn't work for others.
And the bunny!! Yes, one of my favs!


aidenfire @ July 2 2008, 17:14:38 UTC

hmmm, the link isn't working for me... is it still available?


orpheusinjapan @ July 3 2008, 02:28:30 UTC Link is still working...

Seems to be working for me. Try clicking on the link within the post.


aidenfire @ July 3 2008, 04:06:04 UTC Re: Link is still working...

Hmm, still just taking me to a blank page with firefox, but it works with IE so I guess it's all ok. Thanks! :)


onthehillside @ August 5 2008, 01:07:33 UTC

Oh my gosh, thank you so much for this!!!


anatsuno @ October 2 2008, 21:10:08 UTC

you ROCK. thank you so much.


bookofjude @ November 20 2008, 04:21:52 UTC

Alas, the link doesn't appear to work properly any more. Anyone got a copy they can email to me, or point me where it currently exists?


orpheusinjapan @ November 28 2008, 23:21:40 UTC Shows how often

I check my email.
Sorry my .mac account expired and I no longer had anywhere to post it.


comava @ September 13 2015, 17:46:34 UTC

Hello, I am awash in NA nostalgia and am busy browsing old posts, which is when I came upon this glorious offer of yours! Unfortunately the link has obviously timed out, so I was wondering if maybe you might be able to re-upload? I lost so much of my NA files when my last computer died..
