katrionaa @ 2003-04-24 11:13:00

Mood: annoyed

I'd just like to drop kick Dean's family. Whatever happened to loving your child unconditionally? Poor Dean! Thank goodness Seamus' family was so welcoming and accepting.


sistermagpie @ April 24 2003, 08:23:09 UTC

Although Dean continues to crack me up. They kept looking at him like he was...well, like he was a gay black wizard, I guess. LOL.

I love the way his character manages to be one that's basically reactive and yet have such a strong personality. He's a bit like j_h that way. Go Dean!


katrionaa @ April 24 2003, 08:28:31 UTC

Dean definitely has a good sense of humor, that was a great line. I like that he is a strong person but I feel bad for him because I think he's more hurt than he's letting on by his family's actions.

Go Dean indeed!


sistermagpie @ April 24 2003, 08:47:21 UTC

Yes, you're right. Once again he's the one sane person surrounded by insanity. I'm hoping a family member reaches out to him--they can't all be this ridiculous. I'm glad he has people around him at Hogwarts that he can talk to. Dean always comes across as so smart I imagine he's really going over and over this in his mind so it could be bothering him a lot more than he lets on.


portkey @ April 24 2003, 08:52:59 UTC

I really admire Dean. It's obvious what he's been going through is difficult, but that he can still find humor in things is great. Not to mention that he's so adorable.

Go Dean, times infinity.


notapipe @ April 24 2003, 09:10:21 UTC

Plus, he's a sensitive caring artistic gay black wizard.

Go Dean times infinity plus one! (behold! the real reason I post)


portkey @ April 24 2003, 09:13:53 UTC

Plus, he's a sensitive caring artistic gay black wizard.

That too.

Go Dean times infinity plus 38! Okay, I'm done. :p


notapipe @ April 24 2003, 09:16:10 UTC

Go Dean times infinity squared! I'm not. :D
