blondenarcissa @ 2003-05-11 23:23:00

Current mood: embarrassed

I know that after a fabulous social event such as a wedding where I am in attendance that the public looks to me to offer a thorough examination of the environment, people, and clothing for the masses to consider. This is of no surprise to anyone as I am quite the stylish and refined witch in all the right circles. However, I am much too distraught at the moment to even think of focuing my attention on the fabulous decorum and other niceties that were included about Remus's and Sirius's special day.

I should have known not to drink anything that was 1) not a martini and 2) a red colour that is not found in nature.

I should have known but I did not.

If I could turn back a timeturner I would do everything in my power to stop myself from taking that first deadly sip of the tainted punch.

I cannot believe that it had been tampered with and integrated with veritaserum.

Things that I had sworn to myself that I should take to my grave and never allow Lucius and Draco to discover lest it deeply hurt their feelings and pride were, in fact, revealed last evening all because that daft Arthur Weasley's children decided to play childish games.

I am not certain whether or not the punch also had alcohol. I believe it did. Either that or I had consumed so very many martinis up unto the point where I secured a goblet of punch that I had already been well on my way to becoming inebriated. Much of the night before Lucius and I retired to the guest house was rather fuzzy after I revealed the uncertainty of my parentage. For some reason or another I keep getting mental images of the gazebo and of Lucius, myself, and Hilda Vector sharing wine and doing a rather interesting few minutes of wine tasting infused with learning proper anatomy. I am not sure if this is real or I had imagined it in a rather tipsy stupor.

Although Lucius did end up spending the night with me and leaving this afternoon after a light lunch, I cannot help but to be terrified that he and Draco are disappointed in me and my lineage. Marie and Pierre Peltier are both pureblooded and they raised me how they saw fit. Father passed away several years ago and it is just my mother now. However, she has never been one to divulge things or even dwell on what she would term 'inconsequential'. I never gathered up enough courage to question her on my adoption. Always the weak one. That was me. Lucius should have no problems asking Mother questions as she does fancy him so. I understand that he has also acquired an investigator for the matter of locating my birthparents.

I am afraid of what might happen if they are found.

I am afraid that my husband and son will disown me.


purestblood @ 2003-05-11 09:21 pm UTC

Now, now, Narcissa. Do not fret. I could never "disown" you, my love, as you are not my child. I could only disown Draco if it came to that, and I'm certainly not inclined to.

Be of good cheer. I am certain your mother would not adopt anything but a pureblood child. I've hired a very good investigator who comes highly recommended.

If the punch contained alcohol, it must have been a small amount, as I was nowhere near intoxicated. You must be imagining the bit with Hilda Vector. You know I prefer my women feminine. Do not worry, my love. The wedding was lovely, and the decorations beyond par. You outdid yourself, as always.


blondenarcissa @ 2003-05-12 05:46 pm UTC

I am certain that she would not do anything but that as well but I am still leery, Lucius. Would you still care for me if I was not pure of blood?

I was nervous about the decorum but I am pleased that you found it suitable.


purestblood @ 2003-05-12 05:49 pm UTC


You are my wife and the mother of my son. I would care for you no matter your parentage, dubious or otherwise. You know that. You are my Cissy, and I love you dearly. Never forget that.

Now, do not fret. We'll find out the truth, and no matter what we find, it will be our secret.


blondenarcissa @ 2003-05-12 06:59 pm UTC


I shan't ever forget that and I am eternally sorry that I even asked. I am so very worried about what might be found that I admit that I am not in the best frame of mind at the moment. I do wonder how Draco is doing in light of this revelation. Have you heard from him?

Thank you; I am so very glad that I can count on you to keep whatever results of the inquiry we may find.


purestblood @ 2003-05-12 07:08 pm UTC

I have not heard from Draco, and I'm disappointed. I know his mummy needs his support and I'm quite cross with him for not showing it. I am sure, though, that as the school year winds to a close he's quite busy. However, his continued silence where you are concerned is quite unacceptable and I plan to send him an owl telling him just that.

Shall I have some of that Swedish vodka you love sent over? Do let me know what I can do for you in these most trying times.

Your husband

blondenarcissa @ 2003-05-12 07:26 pm UTC

I thought he might be busy with end of year examinations and the like but I would still think he would have a moment or two to spare for me. I shall simply have to remain patient until he deems his time free enough to make contact with his mother.

You needn't send me any vodka; I am strangely uninterested in any sort of alcohol for the moment. Thank you, though, for your offer.


purestblood @ 2003-05-12 07:32 pm UTC

Oh, my beloved. It tears me apart to see you so distraught. I do wish I could do something to ease your burder. Please let me know what I can do. I am yours, my love, as you are mine and always will be.


blondenarcissa @ 2003-05-12 07:47 pm UTC

Would you come spend some time with me this evening? I feel so very alone and Echo is sleeping and the estate is so empty here right now that it's so dreadfully quiet that I cannot stand it.

I do love you, Lucius. I hope you know that.


purestblood @ 2003-05-12 07:50 pm UTC

Oh, darling, I'll be there just as soon as I post this message. I do so hate the thought of you being alone.

