blondenarcissa @ 2003-05-13 22:22:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Last evening Lucius apparated into the guest house at Dogear Wryde upon my request for his company. I was feeling a bit down and insecure over various quandries and he did well to take my mind off of pressing matters as only Lucius can. After we awoke this morning we discussed my situation and our son for a time before I must admit I became too distraught to further converse in that particular avenue. Fortunately Dacey had been nearby attempting to reinforce an obedience lesson that Echo had been subjected to yesterday morning and hastily conjured up a lovely tea service for Lucius and myself. Hibiscus Mint tea does wonders to soothe my nerves.
After Lucius left I decided that I ought to do something for myself as I have been ever so neglectful of focusing my energy on me. After indulging in a champagne bath I portkeyed into Paris. Hilda recommended that I peruse a little boutique called Rue de le Poisson and I have to say that I was most impressed with the line of cosmetics offered there. As galleons are no object, I spared no expense in acquiring the very best that their line had to offer before wisking myself away to a few of the couture shoppes that I frequent on my visits ot the City of Lights. After commissioning a number of stunning new robes that shall be ready in a few days time, I traversed down to a quaint little square where I indulged in a baguette (which naturally I could only manage two small nibbles before I had to wave a waiter by to take it away from me) and people-watched. My, but the middle-class do dress dreadfully. If I were unfortunate enough to own the garments that most wore I would never leave the Manor for fear of being ostracized and pelted with Mooncalf droppings.
Early afternoon I sent another post to my son requesting that he spare some time for his mother this weekend if he could manage it and then returned to Dogear Wryde. Echo and I had a lovely walk around a small lake near the back of the property. Usually very well-behaved, Echo was quite skittish when we wandered too close to the shore for her liking. I am not certain as to whether it was seeing her reflection in the water or the fact that her barks seemed quite amplified the closer we became to the lake. At any rate, she did not tarry as she normally does on a small walk and was quite eager to return to the guest house.
Not much time passed after my little stroll when I decided that I wanted to actually do something that I have not yet done. I recalled a small farm very near Dogear Wryde where there had been lucious fields of Merlin only knew what. Apparrating to the farm, I was delighted to discover that it was some strange business where a very old-looking wizard would give you a small wooden bucket (something I believe his decrepit wife called a 'bushel') and you would be free to wander into any part of the field or garden and pick a bucketful of a particular crop. The strawberries smelled divine so I settled for that.
Once I located the strawberries I was unsure of what to do so I took to nonchalantly looking around and observing what others were doing. It was so very strange to see people actually pluck fruit off of vines. I would have thought that I would just inform a house elf or some other creature which pieces of fruit I was picking and that they would place my prizes in mjy bucket!
No such luck.
The first few strawberries I attempted to break off of their vine or plant I accidentally crushed and got red juice all about my fingers. I felt myself becoming upset and had to take a brief break so as not to cry. After reminding myself numerous times that I was new at this and that I could do it if I simply set my mind to it as Remus has told me before, I found that things were going much more smoothly! I nearly filled my bushel with no major problems!
I brought them back to the guest house and Dacey is going to teach me how to cover them with chocolate.
If I thought that Draco would appreciate it, I would send him a few after I feel I have been successful at covering them.
I don't know if he would as I still have heard no response to my owl today or yesterday. Perhaps I should just leave him be until he is ready to speak to me. Merlin only knows when that will be.