blondenarcissa @ 2003-06-19 17:51:00

Current mood: surprised

It seems that I am no longer alone with Echo at my chalet. I was out this afternoon walking Echo about the grounds and took her to the merman fountain just behind the main gates as she rather fancies the cheeky way the merman splashes water in her direction. When we were rounding out from behind the fountain in order to come to the front of it, I noticed a very well-dressed witch apparating at the entrance. When I went to speak with her I was beyond shocked to realize that my unexpected guest was none other than Hera Peligroso, bestselling author and guru of self-help, motivation, and cutting edge beauty charms!

Apparently she had called for me at the Manor after receiving my address from Kiki Leavenshire and Dacey informed her that I was in Switzerland. The woman was so determined to speak with me that she came all the way here! We've just had the most lovely tea and I saw her off for the evening. She shall be stopping by tomorrow morn to converse more with me. I must say that she certainly is worth her weight in galleons and had plenty of pertinent advice to dispense. I look forward to putting her counsel into use with Lucius and Draco over Summer holiday.

