blondenarcissa @ 2003-08-04 09:32:00

Current mood: drained

I think I may have overexerted myself at Remus's lovely party the other evening.

I shall be resting in my chambers and will not be taking any callers for the rest of the day. Remus, do owl me when you have a spare moment, won't you? I should like to arrange a visit for perhaps tomorrow or Wednesday for tea. There are some things that I believe we need to discuss.


lupercus @ 2003-08-04 11:33 am UTC

It would seem that I have nothing but spare moments, Narcissa.

Pop over whenever you like. I am in the guest house, and I'll be expecting you.

- Remus

blondenarcissa @ 2003-08-04 01:11 pm UTC

I shall be over first thing tomorrow morning.

The guest house? Why the guest house?

lupercus @ 2003-08-04 01:20 pm UTC

A long story, but not one I want to get into right now. I shall save it for your visit.

purestblood @ 2003-08-04 11:46 am UTC

Please let me know if you require anything, my darling. I shall be at your side in an instant should you so desire.


blondenarcissa @ 2003-08-04 01:13 pm UTC

I am actually feeling a bit less lethargic at the moment. If you could spare some time for me shortly I shall appreciate it.

purestblood @ 2003-08-04 01:20 pm UTC

I shall be home in just a moment. Let me inform my secretary as to my whereabouts and then I am yours, my love.
