blondenarcissa @ 2002-10-15 18:52:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Current music: | house elves scurrying about |
Traumatization & Aftermath
I do realize that it has been a number of days since I have recorded my innermost thoughts and observations on the social behavior that surrounds me. My deepest apologies go out to those of you who so (rightfully) depend on my guidance and dutifully follow my examples on proper social mores. My absense stems mainly from my need to properly recover from the horrid dinner party that my darling husband was required to host for a few of his associates.
After the required small talk and round of absinthe had been drained (I, of course, abstained from that dreadful liquore. The smell reminds me of rotted peas.), Lucius and I saw our guests into the dining hall. As previously reported, the hall had never appeared so grand before. After our guests had left, I gave the head house elf a stern lecture and iron her fingers. My fine linens and Romanian crystal are not to be wasted on gormless oiks who do not appreciate their splendor!
Do forgive me, I got a bit off topic there. If you owned Romanian crystal, you would understand my utter fury. . .
We proceded to have a splendid seven-course meal, which started out with small appetizers including watercress finger sandwhiches. I simply adore them - so light, little calories or fat. The perfect delicacy for a delicate-boned woman such as myself. Goyle and MacNair, however, were not impressed. They had the audacity to ask where the fish was for the 'sammich'! Merlin, if I had not had my fork to jab into my thigh, I would have fainted! The horror! Fish on watercress? Have they no intellect whatsoever?!?!?
As I do realize that the food at Hogwarts has been rather deplorable as of late, I will spare you all the details of the delectable fare that was enjoyed. Suffice it to say, the house elves never received such a gentle evening flogging before. I think Lucius may be going soft of them.
Throughout the course of the meal, the fork I mentioned above came in handy several other times. When Avery made a particuarly daft comment for which I wanted to scowl and rail my head off at him, I quickly dug the tines of the fork into my thigh once more. Lucius would not approve if I appeared to be anything less than the perfect hostess, you know.
I will not bore you with intricate details of our evening. All's well that ends well, and the associates did leave in a timely manner. Afterwards I was rather exhausted and a bit skittish from 'pretending' all evening.
Because I performed my expected duties for him, I managed to get him to agree to something that I would like to do. We will, therefore, soon be announcing details of a Samhain extravaganza at Malfoy Manor. (For those of you Mudbloods reading my journal - and I do wish you would cease and desist now - Samhain is Halloween.)