blushcrush @ 2003-02-13 14:22:00

Current mood: busy
Current music:The Wizkids on WWN!!

Ah-h-h, pumpkin soup.
I think Lavender did a lovely job on Ron's journal! It's so peaceful and, yet, notl! :)

Soblessa thinks there's something off with my wand, but I don't want to ask my parents for a new one. I'm not sure there's really something wrong with it, except, maybe it is a little old. It was Mum's at Hogwarts and she really wanted me to use it, but she hadn't used it for a long time when she got it back out for me. Maybe now that not so many of us are in school and have to depend on them for things, they would consider getting me a new one. But Christmas was not that long ago, so I don't know that I will ask anytime soon. It would be so nice to have my very own wand that nobody has ever used before, that wanted me just as much as I wanted it - then maybe I could be better at Transfiguration? Without having to bother Percy?

I had so much fun over the hols that I'm kind of sad to be back in school. It seems to drag, yet at the end of the day I get startled because I have no idea where the day went! I miss my Mum and Dad and Charlie and I don't feel like I have much time to think. I'm always finishing History questions and studying for Ancient Runes and I don't go and sit in the common room very much anymore, because I am always sitting alone. If I am going to sit alone, I think I might as well lay down in my bed, alone, and study.

I have kind of been talking to Neville again lately, so that's good! We're going to get a butterbeer together next Hogsmeade weekend! I'm excited for that!

Well, Valentine's Day! I love Valentine's Day. It's so... romantic! Now that I have a... significant other or anything...

I saw this when I used that random link to go to a well, random journal... and I thought it would be fun to do!

Once upon a time, there was a little girl who loved her father very much.

Sylvie rode unicorns on a silken saddle and never once slipped sideways, but Syrene commonly fell off of barebacked wild hippogriffs.
The Spindlespear Sisters

No spell yet devised enables wizards to fly unaided in human form.
Quidditch Through The Ages

This anthology gathers together poems of romantic friendship, love and desire by witches, the spiritual and magical descendants of Sappho.
Poems Between Witches

Once when I was six I saw a magnificent picture in a book about the jungle, called True Stories.
The Little Prince
(It's just so wonderful, I cry at the end! I borrowed it from a Muggle-born girl my third year!)

The Muggle art of crochet has traditionally created purely utilitarian items for the average non-magical home, but now, with the aid of a quick and easy charm, you can adapt this practise to create enchanting items without all the dropped stitches, yarn snags, and sore fingers!
101 Crochet Charms For The Beginner

Ah-h-h, pumpkin soup.
Pumpkin Soup For The Soul

Originating in Italy in the 12th and 13th centuries when the magical and Muggle worlds were less separated, the sonnet has since become the most popular and enduring form of English verse for both Wizard and Muggle.
Sonnets of a Sorcerer

A great deal has happened since the Muggle invention of "electricity" (E`lec*tric"i*ty) that has separated the lifestyles of Muggles from those of wizards.
Home Life and Social Habits of British Muggles (I have Dad's copy of this. Don't tell him, Ron!)

Celestina Warbeck was a teenage prodigy with four number one smashes on the WWN and Wizarding Music Chart by the time she was nineteen.
Extreme Enchantress: The Real Celestina Warbeck

I would have liked to put in some of the books Percy's given me, but they're at home and I can't remember their first lines!!

Ooh, but look.

I'm terza rima, and I talk and smile.
Where others lock their rhymes and thoughts away
I let mine out, and chatter all the while.

I'm rarely on my own - a wasted day
Is any day that's spent without a friend,
With nothing much to do or hear or say.

I like to be with people, and depend
On company for being entertained;
Which seems a good solution, in the end.
What Poetry Form Are You?


I could have been this!


wheresmytoad @ 2003-02-14 10:23 pm UTC

I have kind of been talking to Neville again lately, so that's good! We're going to get a butterbeer together next Hogsmeade weekend! I'm excited for that!

Hopefully it will be soon! I bet it will be...its been ages< since we last had one....

isn't The Spindlespear Sisters good? I remember reading it once....although i probably shouldn't admit to it?

happy valentine's day, ginny. :)

blushcrush @ 2003-02-15 02:06 am UTC

Oh, Neville! You read The Spindlespear Sisters? That was my favourite series when I was younger! :)

Happy Valentine's Day! Oh, well, I suppose it's over now.

Don't you have a birthday coming up soon?
