blushcrush @ 2003-04-18 21:01:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Current music: | Cho and Hermione talking about Arithmancy! Didn't they do enough of that at the table earlier? |
It's so nice to be home.
Everything's bustling and noisy here, just how it should be! Hermione got invited to come stay over as well, and she and Cho are both staying in my room, so there, Ron!! Mum said it was okay! No boys allowed! Hah! Luckily Cho managed to get the words off her forehead before we left yesterday evening. Her forehead looks a little tender, and I do kind of miss the "Property of Virginia" but it wouldn't do to bring her home with a big "VIRGIN" stamped across her forehead. Fred and George, don't play any more pranks on Cho please!
We sat in the kitchen with Mum all day and helped around when she needed one of us to, but mostly we sat at the kitchen table talking. I love it when there's another girl in the house, and this time there were two! Ron came in once or twice but only for a minute as he couldn't handle our high humours. He was just kind of just sulking 'round the house, I think. Charlie got home around noon while we were all having butterbeers Dad got for us, so he sat at the table and started chatting with us. He seemed to like Cho, and that makes me really happy, 'cos Dad seems to think she's molesting me and Mum doesn't seem to know how to act around her, but I expect they'll come 'round when they realise that we haven't really been together very long so we're not going to - well, I don't know. But at least they let us sit together at the table and I don't think they minded when we scooted our chairs a little closer together. It still wasn't settled where Cho would be sleeping but soon Hermione pointed out that if she stayed in my room with us, she would "oversee" our behaviour, which was really Prefecty of her I think, and Mum agreed. Mum really likes Hermione, and so does Dad, and they're not really happy that Ron doesn't seem to like her anymore. Speaking of Dad, he's been stapling everything in sight. He accidentally stapled Ron to Hermione earlier and I thought a war was going to erupt, but eventually they got the staple out of Hermione's blouse and Ron's sleeve.
I think Hermione, Cho, and I will have plenty to talk about still tonight in my room, even though we talked a lot about school and our families at the table.
Anyway, eventually we decided to varnish our nails, and Hermione did Mum's for her, Cho did mine, I did Charlie's, and Charlie actually did Hermione's. Charlie looked a bit wobbly when the subject got around to Professor Lupin and Professor Black, I think he still fancies Lupin a bit, but we all assured him that there were other fish in the sea and not to worry. I felt really close to Charlie then, it's funny that he and I are a lot alike in a lot of ways. Hermione had also mentioned the paper crane someone gave Professor Lupin, so when his nails were dry he got a spare bit of parchment and folded one up, and asked Hermione to give it to Lupin for him. This set Hermione to thinking and she asked to learn how to make them, so Charlie taught all three of us. Luckily Mum had a lot of parchment for us to practise on. Cho and Hermione are clever so they caught on straight away, but I had to fold up four or five before I made a decent one. Then I said it was too bad that we didn't have any of Fred and George's parchment that they sell in their store on hand, since then the cranes would fly once they were folded. Hermione, who was still thinking, immediately asked Mum to ask Fred and George for some of their parchment -- and they delivered! Themselves included! Then the rest of the day was sent folding paper cranes out of special parchment, but we lost a lot 'cos they flew out the window or into Mum's stew before we could stop them. Ron found his way back into the kitchen so as to up the testosterone, or something, and once he saw that we were all busy and that Hermione was too busy to argue with him, demanded to help. So Hermione taught him how to make the cranes too (and Mum just beamed and set out biscuits for us). Ron folded tonnes. He seemed to think it was some sort of competition and he even challenged Cho to an origami duel. I'm really not sure how one can duel with paper cranes; I just think he likes to keep Cho on her toes. Cho, being valiant, accepted. They act odd around me sometimes. I'm not certain what it is. They act like they're enemies but they seem to be friends, they seem to have some secret agreement other than the contracts. It's quite frustrating but then, people don't tell me things lots of times. Maybe when I turn sixteen (on Tuesday!!!) people will stop covering my eyes and ears. Anyway, Cho and Ron had pretty much tied 'cos they'd made so many cranes each, but Fred said he'd made exactly sixty-nine cranes, so he won. What is so important about that number that it had to be exactly sixty-nine instead of seventy or sixty-eight? Why won't anyone tell me?
I don't know how many we had when we stopped. Hundreds, I bet! Charlie let us use his owl to deliver them off to Hogwarts; the parcel left as the sun was just setting. I hope Professor Lupin likes them.
It's kind of a bother to try and get computer time because there are so many people here! Percy's coming home tomorrow, too. I hope he brings Penelope. Well, I've got to go, I've got to get Cho set up in my room and catch a bit with her since we haven't been left alone all day, and Dad wants Hermione to show him something on the computer! I hope he doesn't try to staple it. I showed him the paper-cut I got folding cranes earlier and he brandished his stapler eagerly, so I'm really quite ready to go upstairs. If I hear another, "SO DAD!" "SO RON!" while I'm trying to talk to Hermione and Cho I'll go mad.
wehaveseven @ 2003-04-18 07:27 pm UTC |
My, what a long entry dear! So that's what you've been doing all this time! I've just made a batch of baked beans for George, come have some!
wehaveseven @ 2003-04-18 07:41 pm UTC |
gin-grin!!! that is an awful lot of words. you have the weasley gift for gab i guess. careful your fingers don't fall off from all that typing. maybe you could teach me to type better )_ mum keeps telling me my punctuation is horrid.
mum and dad let me use their journal so no more charlie-as-a-chinese girl. cho's very pretty by the way and very very nice. i'm still proud of you my big little sister. sixteen already! i am ooooold.
yur cranes turned out just fine by the way, and if nobody will tell you what sixty-nine means then you ask me. or cho. hee heeheh.
dad just stapled ron to the table. i don't know why but hermione thinks it's very funny. she's telling dad now about something called duck tape. i don't know if i want to know but i hope dad doesn't get any duck tape or chicken tape or any kind of bird tape until i am safe back in romania.
it's late but i wanted to know if you and cho want to come sit with me on the roof and look at the stars a bit? i know it was mad crazy today but i thought a little quiet would be nice. bring hermione too. and ron but only if we can borrow dad's stapler and staple his mouth shut.
mum just showed me how to make faces. :) that is cute.
okay go back to whatever it was you were doing. get off the computer! and come downstairs whenver your done. >:)
blushcrush @ 2003-04-18 07:45 pm UTC |
Cho and I will be out in ten minutes! I've told Hermione but I don't know if she's coming or not!
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2003-04-19 01:18 am UTC |
SO GIN! Where's Cho? Tell her to come to the kitchen, I can't look for her because I'm stuck to the bloody table. IS EASTER OVER YET?
blushcrush @ 2003-04-19 01:35 am UTC |
What do you want with Cho? Not going to duel again, are you? I've sent her down. Don't fight!!
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2003-04-19 01:56 am UTC |
Don't worry! I'll return her to you in one piece but get dad to BLOODY UN-STAPLE ME ALREADY!!!